What Are Virtual Cards and Why People Use Them?

Pav Pan
1 min readFeb 14, 2020

Virtual Cards can be used for online (or remote) purchases only because they do not exist in plastic and can’t be presented in-person. They avail additional security mechanics at user’s disposal and are easy for purchasing, storing and using directly via a Standard account for iCard Digital Wallet.

The primary reason for using virtual cards is that they give users an additional safety layer when shopping online. This is important because secure online browsing is not always easily achieved even for more advanced users.

What exactly is a virtual debit card?

It is a freshly generated 16-digit Mastercard or Visa card number in combination with a CVV code and expiry date. A virtual card connects to one of your accounts in iCard and can be used immediately after being generated.

iCard digital wallet, for example, gives you 2 free virtual cards with an option to store and use up to 20. And it is even possible to increase this number by request.

Why are virtual cards so useful?

The main reason is: You have a way to protect your primary bank account.


To find out continue reading on iCard’s blog



Pav Pan

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