Known issues for Early Access

Pagan Online
3 min readApr 19, 2019



Battlefield — Tutorial arena

  • Cannot move and attack after resurrection — Major (reproduction rate 3%)
  • Minor visual glitches prior to cutscene — Tweak
  • Some minor visual glitches might be present in battle HUD — Minor
  • After dying, all abilities have unlocked icons — Minor
  • Part of the tutorial graphic stays on the ground — Tweak


  • Navigation arrow might be misleading — Major
  • Navigation arrow might disappear in Pantheon — Major
  • Collision issues with Dameer — Critical (reproduction chance 10%)
  • Glavodar attack might affect camera — Minor
  • Dynamite might not trigger in Act 5 — Major
  • Barrier doesn’t spawn at the beginning of Treasure encounters — Major
  • New Ogya death sequencer doesn’t finishing gracefully — Minor
  • Treasure encounter might not give treasure — Major
  • Istok might stuck in carriage — Critical (reproduction chance 5%)
  • Inventory and minimap over cinematic — Minor
  • Issues with ranged Heroes’ projectiles on different terrain levels — Major
  • Dameer’s bear interfere with quest objectives in some quests — Minor

Kablar BF

  • Kingewitch can get stuck in ballistas (Kablar bossfight) — Major
  • Kablars hit-box might be to small for Valeria’s auto attack — Minor
  • Possible to go behind Kablar — Minor
  • Lukian — second chain might be hard to target with basic attack — Minor

Veles BF

  • Veles health bar appears before it should — Minor
  • Dameer can end up on wrong side of the encounter in Veles BF — Critical


  • Not implemented for EA


  • Text is blocking clicks on Stash UI — Minor
  • XP button overlaps Inventory buttons in windowed mode, 1280x720 — Minor
  • God on thrones in cinematic and Pantheon different — Tweak
  • Refill potion change Battle Now options — Tweak
  • Clicking Hunt icon in quick launch bar can hide quick launch bar and objective widget, mini map, difficulty icon, objective arrow — Major


  • Mission UI overlaps Chat — Minor
  • Left side UI might get very transparent — Minor

Game Screens

  • Click to continue shows before loading is complete — Minor
  • Battle UI might appear in victory screen — Minor
  • Leaderboard might show wrong might value or current hero icon- Major


  • Client crash/freeze when OBS start recording — Critical (reproduction chance 5%)
  • Client might crash on restart (reproduction chance under 3%) — Critical
  • Launch multiple instances of the game — Major (warning message appear a bit late)
  • Xbox controller have some issues — Major
  • Alt+tab might affect focus change in full screen — Minor

Inventory and Crafting

  • Hidden stats might be present on some items — Major
  • Wrong items might be present on hover in inventory after reforge — Major


  • Emotional responses might have some visual issues — Minor
  • Some spells might affect emotional responses — Minor
  • Istok’s shield affected by poison — Major
  • Lukian’s LSHIFT launches him in the air — Critical
  • Lukian stuck in an NPC — Major
  • Lukian escapes encounter before it begins with F + LMB click — Major
  • Lukian might elevate NPC in the air for a brief moment — Minor
  • Dameer’s bear can stuck in some parts of the maps — Major
  • Dameer can get stuck in Bear on Glavodars attack — Minor
  • Dameer has some issues with equipping/removing weapon while in bear form — Minor
  • Dameer — possible to change weapons while in bear form — Minor
  • Dameer’s “F” spell will remove skin from Bear, for “Wildborn” non-default color variation — Minor
  • Valeria’s LSHIFT cancels Boulder’s rock throwing animation — Minor
  • Valeria’s “E” spell (leash trap) doesn’t ground Corten NPC — Minor


  • Kingewitch can use spells and attack with Mora on his back, at Adria locations — Major
  • Valeria pushed Barut out of encounter area with RMB attack “Men of legend, woman of renown” — Major
  • Morokh can fear NPCs out of the navmesh — Minor
  • Pigasus might appear in some defense or survival missions -Minor


  • Audio is missing when Chrippler attacks Ognya — Major
  • Whirlwind audio might extend — Minor
  • Some minor issues with audio while game is paused — Minor
  • Some VO might overlap — Minor

