ES6 support and 10x faster start in v1.3

Pagehop’s Blog
2 min readApr 3, 2015

Pagehop — the Launcher app for the Web — check the website.

Pagehop 1.3 is out!

— Really, that soon? — you’re asking.

Indeed. We’re shortening the dev-test-release cycle, so you can get new features and fixes, faster.

The other reason is, that the project matures. The number of bugs is on all-time minimal, version 1 is pretty much feature-complete and in the months to come, we’re going to primarily add content in the form of recipes & tools.

Speaking of recipes & tools, this release brings something special for the developers…

ECMAScript 6 support!

We’ve added the best available support for ES6, through the Babel.js project.

In your recipes and tools you can use language features such as classes, arrows, generators right now.

Check the supported ES6 features, here.

There are some caveats to look out for, still, but it feels so awesome to be able to use a bleeding-edge tech... ☺

To make the HTML5 game developers in our community happy and provide a primer in ES6 — we have a new addition to the default bundle of recipes…

New Recipe: pixiDocs

pixi.js is a WebGL renderer with a canvas fallback.

With pixiDocs, you can search and read the online documentation of pixi.

You can use the recipe’s code as an example and boilerplate for ES6 recipes.

10x faster initial start

As the default bundle of recipes grows with every release, you have probably noticed an increase in the time required for the first start of the app, right after install.

We took the time to fine-tune this process, and you should now experience up to 10x speed-up in the first start.

You can check the full release notes, here.

Counting on your support…

We do our best at building Pagehop and hope you enjoy using it.

Our focus, so far, was to shape the product in the right direction, stabilize, complete as features, stabilize again and now we start primarily adding content. But there is something else we’ve been (not so) secretly working-on in the after-hours… We want to bring Pagehop to Windows.

This and many other things are in our plans for the future… but we won’t be able to do it without your help. ☹

If you’re using Pagehop, please be honest and buy a license. We will much appreciate it.☺

The Pagehop Team

