What PPC Managers need to know about the start of 2020

Tim Davidson
2 min readJan 6, 2020


The start of any year is exciting, new goals, new ambitions, new year, new you, new business. In the marketing world, similar to every gym and Instagram post, businesses have a lot of goals, new things they are going to try out and/or stop doing. PPC managers, in house marketers and business owners, need to know a few things about their PPC campaigns at the start of the year.

  1. A lot of businesses either start their campaigns on January 1st or stop their campaigns on December, 31st. This means you may have noticed a huge surge in competition or you’ve been jumping for joy because the competitive landscape has decreased. This doesn’t mean it is going to last.
  2. Similar to number 1, a lot of businesses increase of decrease their budgets for PPC, resulting in higher or lower competition. This can also change very quickly.
  3. With a healthy economy, many companies have decided they want to start a PPC campaign in 2020. Problem is, they put their 17-year-old nephew in charge, who has no idea what he is doing. There are also a lot of agencies that put their creative executive who listened to 1 podcast episode from the Paid Search Podcast, so now they are in charge of the PPC campaigns. In this situation, you might see increased competition in the first 1–3 months. Once those companies realize how much ad dollars were flushed down the toilet, you should see that competition dwindle.

With the start of the year, everything you estimated probably went up in flames. Everyone with a gym membership knows it sucks to go to the gym for the first month of the year. The gym is packed, you get stopped to talk after every set and every machine is glistening with other people's sweat, but it will die down and stabilize.

If you’ve noticed your cost per clicks skyrocket, remain calm, it could go back to normal after the excitement dies down. You may have also noticed your cost per clicks decrease, please don’t be complacement, that can change very fast.

