Happy Mother’s Day
It has been 4 months and 4 days since you’ve been gone. The first mother’s day I will have to spend without my momma. I’m so happy God put you in my life. I was angry at him for taking you away,but he took your pain away. Not a day goes by when I don’t think of you.
Some days are easier than others. But some days, it comes in waves. 100ft monster waves. I can’t help but hold my breath. I can not help but thank you for everything you did. All the things you taught me, good and bad. I can not express how much you impacted my life as a mother and a wife. You taught me to always have a clean house and dinner cooked for my husband. You taught me to laugh when things are stressful. You showed me tricks to your cooking skills. You blessed me with so many compliments daily. You loved me better than anyone else. You showed me what life is about.
“This phone is no longer in service” I tried to call last night. Just a regular phone call, one where I wanted to tell you about my day, and what I was going through. Unfortunately, you didn’t answer.
I cry in peace sometimes. Maybe when I’m in the shower, driving home, or even at work in the bathroom. I cry because I miss you and our talks. I cry because I never showed you how much I loved you like you loved me. I cry because even though I know you aren’t in pain anymore, I still wish you were here.
I wish you could’ve seen me graduate. I wish you could’ve seen me in my prom dress. I wish you could meet the love of my life when he comes along. I wish you could see me in my wedding dress. I wish you could meet your grandkids. I just wish I could have one last talk with you.
To my dear friends, and whoever else reads this that still has their mother… never take her for granted. You only get one. Always tell her you love her. Hug her when you see her and when you leave her. Reach out to her even if you are busy. But more than anything, always shower her with your love. Let her know that no woman will ever take her place.