The Impact of a Simple Exercise

A New Perspective on Valuable Lives in Senior Living

Paige Hoffman
2 min readMar 20, 2024
Life enjoyed at all stages of life.

During my orientation at Cordia, I underwent an exercise that profoundly changed my perspective. Initially, I was asked to envision a meaningful life for a senior living in our community, followed by envisioning my own meaningful life.

This seemingly straightforward exercise served as a wake-up call. It made me realize that I had been viewing seniors as somehow “different,” failing to recognize that the things that bring meaning to my life now will likely remain the same as I age. It was a profound shift in perspective, one that has guided my decisions ever since.

While it’s insightful to acknowledge that senior cohorts are influenced by history and generational norms, it’s equally true that seniors are individuals who desire the same things as people at other stages of life. Though we may use different words or phrases to describe what makes life meaningful, the fundamental essence remains the same. This exercise taught me the importance of empathy and understanding, particularly in an industry devoted to serving seniors.

As we age, our bodies and minds undergo changes, often not in our favor. It’s my responsibility to remember this exercise when faced with the challenges that aging bodies and minds present for our residential members. Understanding that the evolution of our minds and bodies doesn’t necessarily imply an evolution in our wants, but rather in our needs, helps us provide the right support and maintain a quality experience for the next phase of life.



Paige Hoffman

Paige is a Senior Living director and consultant dedicated to sustaining meaningful relationships, supportive culture, and bringing innovation to life.