Day 29: Programming Progress & More Parks and Rec

Paige Smyth
2 min readMar 14, 2022


Today’s Visualization

Title: Share of Dialogue in Parks & Recreation

Notes: The share of dialogue in Parks and Recreation for the (in my opinion) main characters.

Tools: Python (pandas, spaCy), Google Sheets, Adobe Illustrator


The Parks and Rec data returns again! Working with this dataset in Python has been a big challenge for me, so I’m proud of how much I’ve learned throughout the process. I don’t have a lot of time to reflect today since I spent so much time on the code and viz, but I’ll talk about my coding progress more in the future!

For today’s visualization, I calculated each main character’s contribution of lines per season; this idea was inspired by a similar chart from The Pudding about The Office, which you can find here. As I created this, it was interesting to see which characters had similar or complementary trends, like how April and Ron both increase over the course of the series as their characters build stronger relationships. I might look more closely at relationships in the future (if I’m not tired of this data by then!), but I hope you enjoy this one for today!

Today’s Recommendation

The Office Dialogue in Five Charts from The Pudding

One of the other visualizations in this article inspired my visualization for today! They’re all interesting to think about, especially as a fan of The Office.

Until tomorrow,

