Protection against errors in the FPGA configuration memory

Vojtěch Pail
5 min readJul 30, 2019



Nowadays, FPGAs become extremely popular because of their flexibility. FPGA is useful when ASIC circuit speed and software flexibility is needed. FPGA in contrast with ASIC can be reconfigured — even remotely. FPGA configuration — bitstream — is stored in the configuration memory. Because of radiation from space and other disturbances, radiation-induced errors (single event upset, SEU) can occur. SEU can flip the bits in configuration memory to the opposite value (BF) which can lead to malfunction of the device function. Several methods can be used to detect and repair or mitigate the errors caused by BF. Common methods are using error detection/correction codes (EDC / ECC) or hardware redundancy. In this paper, the effect of BF on circuit outputs will be simulated and protection against errors caused by BF will be discussed.


Theoretical background

There are several ways to secure unit functionality. The most common is redundancy in space, redundancy in time or informational redundancy.

Redundancy in space is implemented by hardware redundancy. The most common is TMR. Three units are used instead of one unit. The output of these units is connected to the voter, which in the case of mismatch selects the majority value.


Redundancy in time is most often realized by repeated calculation.

Information redundancy adds additional information to detect or correct an error. A typical example is EDC / ECC.

EDC is used to detect errors. The simplest EDC is even parity. Even parity adds one bit to the information so that the number of 1’s bits is even.

ECCs are used to correct errors. Hamming code is most often used to correct one error. RS, RM, BCH, and other codes can be used to correct multiple errors.

Errors are wrong output signals caused by a malfunctioning system. Errors could be hard or soft.

Hard errors are permanent, soft errors can be repaired.

Related work

Impact of SEU on configuration memory of FPGA is discussed in [1, 2, 3, 4]

TMR design for error mitigation is discussed in [5, 6, 7, 8, 9].

Because of TMR high area overhead, there are many works about DMR, which is based only on two units and additional logic. [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]

First results

To discover the impact of BF on the function of circuits a simulation has been made. Benchmark circuits (MCNC[15], ISCAS[16], IWLS93[17], Adders[18]) up to 21 inputs have been used in this simulation. For every BF an exhaustive circuit test was made and the number of affected outputs has been watched. The simulation results are shown in the table below. Name stands for the name of benchmark, cntx means the number of fails affecting x outputs, cnt> are the number of fails affecting 5 and more outputs, in and out are numbers of input and output respectively, LUTs means the number of LUTs in circuit and lvl is the number of LUTs levels in the design.

Simulation results

The simulation has shown that some circuits are affected by BF only on a few outputs, while in others the effect on outputs is large. An adder is a typical example of a circuit where carry propagating to the upper bits causes errors on multiple outputs. Because the complexity of ECC/EDC coders and decoders is usually increasing with the number of errors to be detected or corrected, the huge number of errors are difficult to correct using ECC.

Next steps

Attention will be paid to the internal circuit structure, especially for circuits where BF leads to multiple output errors. The goal is to determine which components are causing these errors and how to design the circuit to prevent these effects. After reducing the number of errors, a way to eliminate them with minimal area overhead will be sought. As one of the possible elimination of errors, NMR (N-modular redundancy) with a predictor and ECC will be tested.


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