Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment: Get rid of the agonising pain with help of Botox therapy

Pain Clinic Of India
3 min readDec 14, 2017


Trigeminal Neuralgia is one of the most agonising conditions that one can possibly hope to witness. It is a chronic pain condition that affects the trigeminal nerve which establishes a neural connection in between our facial muscles and pain. Thus, simply put, trigeminal neuralgia causes excruciating pain in the face. If you are suffering from the condition, simple things like brushing, shaving or putting the makeup can act as a trigger for a jolt of unbearable pain.

You may experience timid pain in the beginning. But as the condition progresses, it may cause frequent attacks of searing pain. Is there nothing you can do to get rid of the pain? Of course, there are treatment procedures available. If you have trigeminal neuralgia, it does not imply that your life is doom. Trigeminal Neuralgia treatment is possible and there is nothing complicated about it. There are several Trigeminal Neuralgia treatment procedures available and your doctor will find the best one for you.

Causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia:

What gives rise to trigeminal neuralgia? Obviously, this is one of the vital questions that come to your mind. Well, the condition arises due to the disruption of the functions of the trigeminal nerve. Actually, there is a contact between the trigeminal nerve and blood vessels at the base of our brain. However, the condition is caused when that contact puts pressure on the trigeminal nerve.

The painful condition of trigeminal neuralgia can also surface with age or it can be a result of the conditions like multiple sclerosis. Above all, a tumour at the base of the trigeminal nerve can also be a reason for this condition. No matter what the reason is, the severity of the agony that you face is unimaginable. A slight touch to your cheeks can create jolts of searing pain in your face.

The sudden, as well as intense spells of pain, is considered to be the classic symptom of the condition. It has been seen that Trigeminal Neuralgia is more common among the women than the men. Plus, it is a condition that is more likely to be caused in people above the age of 50. High blood pressure, anxiety problems or deformity in the formation of the blood vessels are also some of the main reasons behind the rise of Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Treatment Of Trigeminal Neuralgia:

There are several treatment procedures available for treating trigeminal neuralgia. Above all, if you can manage to avoid the trigger then you can also get some relief from the pain. But perhaps the easiest, most effective and painless treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia is the Botox therapy treatment. It is a procedure that doctors choose when the pain medications do not show any fruitful effect.

In Botox therapy treatment, the botulinum toxin is directly injected into the face muscles surrounding the trigeminal nerve. It helps the muscles as well as the nerve to relax by relieving the pressure on it. Thus, you get rid of the pain easily. However, if the condition is caused due to a tumour or similar things then doctors can choose the surgical procedures.

Get the best treatment for the condition and bid farewell to the unbearable pain.



Pain Clinic Of India

Pain Clinic Of India is a pain management clinic where they provide best treatment for back pain, neck pain, spine pain and other nerve related treatment too.