11 Best Android Libraries for 2022

Pairroxz Technologies
7 min readOct 14, 2022


Credits:- Pairroxz Technologies

It requires familiarity with and understanding of the languages, libraries, and other resources. It is vital to figure out which libraries and modules best suit the needs of the most recent Android app development Solutions because the Android platform supports a wide range of products.

We present the 11 most popular Android library layers for developers to aid them and make the development process more manageable. Before we continue, let’s quickly review the essentials of Android libraries.

What are Libraries for Android?

In essence, libraries in general and the frameworks and libraries for Android are a collection of behavior implementations written in programming languages and have a straightforward interface.

Among many other things, these libraries include configuration data, help data, message templates, pre-written code and subroutines, values, and classes.

Why are Android Libraries Necessary?

Utilizing these libraries can Create A Flawless Android App, allowing developers to create excellent apps without spending extra time or resources. Instead of developing these jobs from scratch, these new Android libraries for developers give them access to actual pre-written scripts and other crucial elements that can be used instantly.

Therefore, if you are beginning your career in developing Android apps and want to understand the well-known libraries that absolutely all Android app development companies use, then this article is what you need.

In 2022, the Top 11 Android Libraries for Developers.

Regardless of their platform or stack, Android libraries have entirely changed how digital software is developed. If you have effective libraries, you may use tech features to their fullest while writing less boilerplate code. The best and most recent Android libraries for Dependency Injector are listed here according to Android Studio.

Why don’t we take the time to build a Dependency Injector before we get started?

Library for Dependency Injectors:

The programming technique known as dependency injection (DI) is frequently used for Android development. Following the DI tenets will help one build a solid Android library architecture for apps.

When you use Android libraries for Dependency Injection, you get the following advantages:

  • Reusability of code
  • Ease of testing
  • Ease of refactoring

1. Dagger 2

One of the beautiful things about Dagger 2 is that it heavily relies on compile-time analysis and estimation of dependencies, as well as Java annotation processors. On the other hand, alternative Java dependency injection libraries have drawbacks, including relying on XML, experiencing startup performance costs, or encountering run-time dependency validation errors.

Libraries in Networks

The resources you need to start any network connection within the Android app are mentioned below.

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2. Retrofit

Intelligent mapping of an API into a client interface is done by Retrofit, a type-safe REST client for Java and Android. To fetch data from a network request, it was necessary to run an Async task class before using a HttpsUrlConnection. It was inappropriate when working with APIs producing vast amounts of data. Retrofit has now solved this.

With mere annotations, Retrofit allows for simple manipulation of endpoints, and headers, adding a request body and query parameters, and the choice of request methods. Additionally, this Android library uses converters to take care of parsing POJOs.

Add dependencies to your app’s build. Gradle file first.

After adding the dependency to your app’s build, you must add a dependence for any converters you plan to use — Gradle file.

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3. API for Activity Recognition

This API enables users to identify their current actions, such as walking, driving, or remaining motionless. The “Request Updates” and “Eliminate Updates” buttons allow Android developers using this library to request activity updates and stop getting updates, respectively.

The sample also makes use of an IntentService to handle determined activity changes that are sent using ActivityRecognitionResultobjects. The BroadcastReceiver will permit the IntentService to broadcast a list of potentially identified workouts.

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4. EventBus

You could encounter different problems when interacting with each other while developing an Android app with a wide range of dynamic components. The best library that primarily uses the publisher/subscriber paradigm to address this issue is likely EventBus.

With the help of this Android framework and library, communication between components, event senders, decouples, and collectors have been improved and made more straightforward. This library’s classes are all completely independent of one another, resulting in less complex code that is also easier to maintain and troubleshoot. It works well when combined with Activities, Fragments, and background threads.

Additionally, it offers various high-level, sophisticated features like subscriber demands and delivery threads. It steers clear of life cycle issues and complex, error-prone dependencies.

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Libraries for Image Loading

To tackle the issue of “out memory errors” in Android apps brought on by loading numerous images simultaneously, image-loading libraries are a knight in shining armour. Let’s examine the top Android libraries currently available in this category.

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5. Picasso

Picasso is a well-known and frequently used Android image library that Square maintains. Picasso claims to make it simple to load images into the application — often with just one line of code.

Picasso avoids several difficulties, such as managing ImageView recycling and downloading cancellation in an adapter, enabling complicated picture transformations with little memory usage, automated memory, and caching.

Picasso has other features that make it a popular option for Android app developers, including:

Picasso identifies the previously canceled download and adapter reuse automatically.

It converts images efficiently to make them less in memory and better suited for layouts.

Custom transformations can be specified for more sophisticated effects.

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6. Glide

One of the best brand-new Android libraries for developers is Glide, another highly esteemed image loader run by Bumptech. Not only that, but Google also promotes it directly.

Glide assists in fetching, decoding, and displaying video calls, images, and animated GIFs, in addition to supporting animated GIFs while handling image loading and caching. Its default stack is HttpUrlConnection; it also features a versatile API that allows developers and programmers to plug in any network stack.

This library’s primary objective is to make any list of images scroll as smoothly as possible. Additionally, it performs well if you need to retrieve, resize, or display a distant photo.

Scanning Libraries

Developers choose the libraries specified below to add scanning features to their custom Android apps and improve their functionality.

7. Zxing

ZXing, short for “Zebra Crossing,” is an Android library that processes barcode images and is implemented in Java with ports to different programming languages. This library also supports 1D products, 1D industrial, and 2D barcodes.

ZXing is another tool that Google employs to make millions of barcodes searchable online. It is the foundation for the Android Barcode Scanner app and is incorporated into Google Products and Google Book Search.

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8. CAMView

This works well as a substitute for the ZXing barcode scanner. It is an Android camera simple access library based on ZXing and has a built-in QR scanner.

The CamView library has a collection of elements (or views, to put it simply) that are ready to be included in your layout files, offering developers rapid access to:

  • Live video stream from the device’s camera
  • Using the built-in decoding engine of ZXing to scan barcodes
  • To carry out your camera’s live data processing

9. ButterKnife

Jake Wharton created ButterKnife, a well-known view-binding Android support library that makes assigning ids to views relatively simple and prevents the overuse of findViewByid. According to the adage, “Butterknife is like a dagger, except much less sharp,” view binding is similar to dependency injection.

The code example below demonstrates how auto-injected code takes the place of things like onClick and onTouch in ButterKnife.

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10. Databinding in Android

The Android Databinding library, which is included in the Android Support Library, needs Android Studio Version 1.3 at the very least to function. In contrast to ButterKnife, this Android view-binding library does not use annotations. Instead of using code, you may use a declarative style to link UI elements in layouts to data sources in the app.

Look at the code below for an example of where layouts are defined in activities using code that requires UI framework functions. While binding the TextView widget to the userName property of the variable viewModel, it calls findViewById() to locate the device.

11. Object Box

You may spend your valuable time concentrating on the product’s many USPs rather than on storing and retrieving data thanks to the well-known Android data binding framework Object Box. This library functions as an embedded object-oriented database and is considered a suitable replacement for SQLite. The well-defined documentation and portfolio make it the ideal choice for IoT (Internet of Things) apps.


These are a few open-source libraries for Android that you ought to research. When building an Android app from scratch, using these native libraries can help you save a tonne of time and effort. Additionally, by employing these Android libraries, developers may quickly and easily create mobile apps that are efficient and responsive.

However, you may get in touch with our best app development company experts if you have any queries regarding the Android development procedure or how to publish an app on the Play Store, and they will help you to sort out any problems you might be having.



Pairroxz Technologies

Pairroxz was founded in 2011 with the aim of providing the best e-solutions to people (clients) and simplifying their goals through app development.