Flutter — Navigate with GoRouter

Pairroxz Technologies
7 min readMar 29, 2023
Credits: Pairroxz Technologies

Flutter is a well-liked open-source framework for creating high-performance mobile and web applications from a single codebase. One of the primary benefits of Flutter App Development is its capacity to design fluid and simple user interfaces that offer a native app experience on iOS and Android devices.

For this purpose, Flutter offers a strong routing and navigation mechanism that helps developers control their application’s flow and guarantee that users may navigate between various screens and views. GoRouter is an adaptable and compact routing library that can be used with Flutter to streamline and improve the user experience with navigation.

In this overview, You will learn about Flutter and its features in this blog and how to integrate Navigate with GoRouter in Flutter. Additionally, you learn about GoRouter Dynamic Routes and the significance of Navigate with GoRouter in Flutter.

Let’s dive deeper into Flutter — Navigate with GoRouter!

Features of Navigate With GoRouter In Flutter

The GoRouter library has improved the efficiency and usability of switching between screens & routes in a Flutter app, enabling developers to quickly control app navigation and offer a smooth user experience. Here are many features given below.

  1. Flexible Routing: GoRouter enables developers to describe how users move between views and screens in their Flutter apps by allowing them to design flexible routing rules. Organizing the app’s UI structure is simple because it supports named and nested routes.
  2. Navigation Stack Management: GoRouter automatically manages the navigation stack & makes it simple to push and pop routes as necessary. Moreover, it gives developers access to modal dialogue capabilities, allowing them to show user input prompts and contextual information without interfering with the flow of the primary navigation.
  3. URL Routing: GoRouter supports URL-based routing, which enables designers to utilize common URLs to access particular views in their Flutter applications. When sharing certain portions of the program with others, this capability is helpful for deep linking.
  4. Routing with parameters: GoRouter enables parameterized routing, allowing programmers to pass variables across screens and views. Building responsive, dynamic user interfaces is made much easier with the help of this functionality.
  5. Integration with other Flutter Packages: GoRouter connects easily with other well-liked Flutter packages like provider, bloc, and flutter bloc, making it simple to add to current projects and processes.

GoRouter simplifies Flutter’s navigation process, giving developers access to a strong, adaptable, and simple routing system.

Importance of Flutter — Navigate with GoRouter

Building mobile apps for the iOS and Android platforms is common due to the cross-platform in flutter framework. The ability to easily build intricate and seamless user interfaces is one of Flutter’s key features, which developers can take advantage of. For Flutter developers seeking to simplify their navigation flow, the GoRouter package is an important tool.

  • Simplified navigation flow
  • Customizable routes
  • Easy to use
  • Efficient performance
  • Strong community support

GoRouter is a crucial tool for Flutter developers who want to design streamlined and effective navigation flows for their mobile apps. Any serious Flutter developer should have it because of its simplicity, flexibility, and robust community support.


You will discover implementation in this section and how to use it in your Flutter app development. The first step in integrating go_router into your app is to add MaterialApp.router in its spot. Many attributes, including routeInformationParser and routerDelegate, are accepted by this function Object() { [native code] }.

debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
routerDelegate: NyAppRouter.returnRouter(false).routerDelegate,

Then we make an app_route_config.dart. We cover every path in this file. The default path, which is the home page, is added first. We append the name “path ad pageBuilder” to the routes section. After that, we build a route for the profile page and send the userId and userName along. For the reach us and about pages, we also develop GoRoute.

class NyAppRouter {
static GoRouter returnRouter(bool isAuth) {
GoRouter router = GoRouter(
routes: [
name: MyAppRouteConstants.homeRouteName,
path: '/',
pageBuilder: (context, state) {
return const MaterialPage(child: Home());
name: MyAppRouteConstants.profileRouteName,
path: '/profile/:username/:userid',
pageBuilder: (context, state) {
return MaterialPage(
child: Profile(
userid: state.params['userid']!,
username: state.params['username']!,
name: MyAppRouteConstants.aboutRouteName,
path: '/about',
pageBuilder: (context, state) {
return const MaterialPage(child: About());
name: MyAppRouteConstants.contactUsRouteName,
path: '/contact_us',
pageBuilder: (context, state) {
return const MaterialPage(child: ContactUS());
errorPageBuilder: (context, state) {
return const MaterialPage(child: ErrorPage());
return router;

Additionally, introduce errorPageBuilder, a function Object() { [native code] } that accepts an ErrorPage as a child and returns MaterialPage. and delivers the modem back. We design the paths for navigators in this manner.

Additionally, we develop the GoRouters’ route variables. Wherein we send a string containing every route.

class MyAppRouteConstants {
static const String homeRouteName = 'home';
static const String aboutRouteName = 'about';
static const String profileRouteName = 'profile';
static const String contactUsRouteName = 'contact_us';

Finally, we build the project’s user interface (UI), during which we also learn about the go_router and UI navigation. We pass the app bar, where we pass the title and return the scaffold inside the house. Add the buttons that allow us to move from one page to the next after the Column in the body.

There are numerous ways to navigate, such as push and pushNamed, where we pass parameters like username and user-id, or we can pass the path of the route we have already defined in the route_config.dart file. This is how we employ go_router. I hope you pick up many new skills, like quickly passing parameters and creating paths or routes.

And that’s it! With these steps, you can easily implement navigation in your Flutter app using GoRouter. Of course, there are many more features and options you can use with GoRouter, such as URL-based routing and parameterized routing, so be sure to check out the documentation for more information.

GoRouter Dynamic Routes

GoRouter is a well-liked library for managing routes and switching between screens in Flutter apps. Dynamic routes, which allow developers to build routes based on information fetched from a server or user input, are one of its most potent features.

static home([CurrentTab? type]) => ‘/${type?.name ?? ‘:type’}’;
// static const singleArticleWithParams = ‘/article/:id’;
/// get route name with parameters, here [id] is optional because we need [:id] to define path on [_singleArticleWithParams]
static singleArticleWithParams([String? id]) => ‘/article/${id ?? ‘:id’}’;

Applications with changeable content or user-generated content, like social media or e-commerce apps, benefit greatly from dynamic routes. Instead of having to define routes and screens in preparation for their app’s navigation configuration, developers can create them instantly using dynamic routes.

The GoRouterState.add method, which accepts a route name and a route builder function as arguments, can be used by developers to make a dynamic route with GoRouter. Once the route has been navigated, the route builder function is responsible for developing the real widget that will be visible on the screen.

Consider an e-commerce app where tapping on a product in a list triggers the show of product details on a separate screen. Using GoRouter, you can construct a dynamic route for each product by using its unique identifier as the route name and retrieving the product details from a server in the route builder function. As a result, you can provide users with up-to-date product information without specifying a unique path for every product in your app’s navigation configuration.

Dynamic routes can be made based on user input and retrieving data from a server. For instance, you could designate a dynamic path for a user’s search query or profile data.

static Widget errorWidget(BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) => const NotFoundPage();

In general, dynamic routes are a strong component of GoRouter that lets developers build more adaptable and dynamic applications. Developers can create apps more responsive to user input and changing data and offer a more seamless and intuitive user experience by enabling routes to be made on the fly.


Flutter is a strong, flexible Flutter App Development framework that enables developers to produce high-quality and effective apps for iOS and Android platforms. GoRouter offers a straightforward and user-friendly API for designing routes and managing navigation events, making it simple for developers to integrate intricate navigation patterns & user flows in their applications. In addition, GoRouter is highly customizable and offers sophisticated features like deep linking, route guarding, and route transitions, making it a perfect option for developing complex and dynamic mobile apps.

Overall, GoRouter is a great solution for controlling app navigation in Flutter, giving developers the flexibility and control they require to produce interesting and understandable user experiences. GoRouter is an excellent option for controlling your app’s navigation and assisting your users in finding their way around, regardless of whether you’re developing a straightforward app with a few screens or a complex app with several navigation pathways.


  1. Which flutter app development company is the best for your mobile app?

One of the top flutter app development companies is Pairroxz Technologies. The developers offer the highest-quality services for the most reasonable prices.

2. What is GoRouter?

GoRouter is a navigation package for Flutter that streamlines the app’s navigation process. It offers developers a declarative framework for defining routes and navigating between them.

3. What are the benefits of utilizing GoRouter?

GoRouter offers Flutter developers an easy-to-use interface, customized routes, effective performance, and a supportive community.

4. Is it possible to use GoRouter with other navigational software?

Absolutely; GoRouter can be used with other navigation tools, like the Flutter Navigator, enabling developers to adapt the navigation flow to their particular requirements.

5. Is GoRouter compatible with Flutter’s most recent version?

Yes, the most recent version of Flutter is compatible with GoRouter, an actively developed package.

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Pairroxz Technologies

Pairroxz was founded in 2011 with the aim of providing the best e-solutions to people (clients) and simplifying their goals through app development.