AI & IOT , The story of revolutions starting from big labs and small rooms!

M. Pajuhaan
Published in
5 min readMar 27, 2018

Product development and supply will change with a tremendous transition such that a year seems to be decades. In this battle, smart and agile teams will be able to provide such a cheap and high-quality services for end users thanks to the competitive advantages of IoT, cloud services and AI which make the old and senior companies get out of the market scene. Online stores and online taxi services are just a few small examples of this new trend. With the introduction of technology driven IoT and AI bed companies, these companies also will face major challenges.

Industrial revolution, fact or fiction?

There is no need for human processing in retail sales or even human drivers. This might happen in the next decade, but it won’t be a trend for specific industries. A huge turnover has already been directed to the sections related to IoT and AI.

You are in the middle of a true revolution. However, this revolution is happening not in the streets, but in small rooms, home garages or advanced Qualcomm laboratories.

Many industries will see the arrival of new technologies. These technologies create new methods to serve existing needs and significantly eliminate value chain of existing industries. Major changes are also taking place in supply segment. The need for clarification in processes, more customer involvement, and new patterns in consumer’s behavior, make companies improve their design methods, marketing and product delivery as well as their services. Meanwhile, new digital platforms for development, marketing, sales and distribution can eliminate senior opponents from the market.

Eternal game of 1% pioneer and 99% of repetition

Looking for repetitive patterns for building new manufacturing or service companies may have a desirable financial result at first, but the future will be available to more specialized services in the international and widespread platforms in the market. Let’s clarify the subject with an example. Suppose you are a successful traditional retailer in your local market. Because of your regular customers or customer physical access to the product, your service has a traditional advantage over large digital stores. But customer behavior is leading to speeding up the works. Therefore, internet retailers have improved the process to meet consumers’ new demands. But, wait! There is always a way to combine the benefits! Soon, these large internet retailers will face new challenges. One can imagine that all the advantages of easy processing of online orders can take place on a platform in local stores in a distributed manner. Considering this, Amazon has started thinking about building physical stores with the help of IoT technology. In the meantime, traditional stores are thinking about using internet and providing services through an application followed by many devices and apps. Though, these are all for the first decade of 21st century, which according to the growth speed of advanced industries, seems like a century ago!

Artificial Intelligence and Applets

Voice interface / AI interface in niomatic platform

In the near future, on your mobile, you may have less than ten apps. You will only be in touch with intelligent platforms and ask them to do the work. These really smart devices will be around you to do and manage your demands. Some ambitious but realistic ideas like Voice Interface and AI Interface is now developing in Niomatic platform. Services will be provided not in an application form, but as an Applet. These Applets will be easily designed and run in any device without the need for programming. Artificial Intelligence will create your demands and behaviors as Applets and program itself. This will take place in a way that today’s voice assistant like Alexa and Siri seems like childish toys.

Track last update

An intelligent handicap assistant who will buy you a flower

An intelligent handicap assistant who will buy you a flower

You will chat with your devices. When you ask your digital assistant, which is matched with a platform like Nio, to do something like arranging an appointment with a friend, your digital assistant self-programs itself and take a taxi according to the traffic situation in an appropriate time. It may decide to reserve a good restaurant or even surprise you and your friend by asking a flower bouquet at your dinner table. You may not need to pay any bill since your digital assistant is doing something in the virtual world and has its own income! So, the bill is on your assistant…

Large companies like AT&T, IBM, Qualcomm, and National Instrument are trying to capture this blank space between users and cloud services and service providers with their multi-billion-dollar annual capital. But we are not that naïve to say that future platform in this area is not going to be a product of companies like Niomatic which has started its work in a garage, decades ago like other technology leaders and today is expanding on all hardware platforms from Snapdragon processors on a smartphone to 8-bit microcontrollers.

The issue will not be capital! The true value is insight, innovation and perfect implementation that it will make large companies to follow.

I suggest watching this interesting video.

Economic growth has been slowing for the past 50 years, but relief might come from an unexpected place — a new form of manufacturing that is neither what you thought it was nor where you thought it was. Industrial systems thinker Olivier Scalabre details how a fourth manufacturing revolution will produce a macroeconomic shift and boost employment, productivity and growth.



M. Pajuhaan

Design is my passion and expertise. I am an engineer, inventor and entrepreneur. Currently my focus is on designing businesses based on AI and robotics.