Nio, Time to programming in smart phone

M. Pajuhaan
Published in
5 min readMar 20, 2018

A few years after the introduction of the Android and iOS and advent of affordable compatible hardware, we began designing products and services based on these operating systems. The fast growth of these operating systems, along with the dramatic drop in hardware costs, provide unrivaled opportunity for new products, or modification and optimization of previous products in the fields of medicine, urban management, industry and education.

Costly design and programming cycle

Since 2010,

We have been designing devices for controlling and monitoring small industrial complexes and greenhouses based on Android OS. For the first time, it was possible to build good user interfaces for such devices. Now, the big challenge was to connect with hardware via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or USB.

This significant success has expanded our activities to medical equipment and educational systems. Now everyone who works with their smartphone could easily connect with our devices, and the complexity of seeing different interfaces and different functions for each new device was no longer exist.

The rapid growth of our work in third world country has occurred, as most people cannot afford to pay the cost of most of the same equipment. This growth has created a new challenge for us. Support for a large number of devices required a lot of time and effort. For example, if there was update needed for one Internet service or its APIs, then several dozen app projects had to be tweaked from scratch. Now, so generalize to a large number of modules in each software. Such a real disaster!

New visual programming IDE

In 2012,

We decided to turn our programs into smaller and more independent modules, so changing each section does not require a lot of changes for each project. It took a year. We tested our first sample of several household water management systems. Everything looks good, but it has its own difficulties. In operation, we should write software for every application, and users do not like to install dozens of apps to manage anything on their smartphone.

2013 is a great event!

We concluded that the classical coding method was not appropriate; app makers coming to market, but could not control Bluetooth or Wi-Fi modules with them! We decided to make everything based on a new platform. We assured that it would cost a lot of time and money. We had experience working with LabView and Matlab Simulink from the University. Graphic programming is a great thing, but not present for Android and iOS platforms. On the other hand, many parts of the structure of creating a data flow program are patented and cannot be used. But the basic problem with these structures is that the nature not work by the Data Flow concept! The cause and effect rule is in nature.

Working on the idea that plans to build on the causality came about in September 2013. It was as we had achieved a great source of inspiration. It could run every program structures, from loops and conditional sentences to implementing complex control processes.

The world will change! Visual interface , Voice interface ,AI interface.

2015 was an adventure,

By this year, several apps were created and tests repeatedly. The main problem that it was hard to justify the high cost of this project. Also, previous designs worked and, of course, a lot of time spent by the team to support those products. The design of most of the previous products was assigned to several companies.

Now the purpose of the new project was to change the way of building a private platform and selling products without disclosing its design approach to delivering a product in the public platform. At the end of 2016, the patent was filed in US patent.

2017 Generation,

From the end of 2016, the New duty appropriation design for ease use for all people. The basic goal of the work is to simplify UI and create a sense of pleasant UX experience for NIO. In September 2017 a general beta release was scheduled.

Democratic programming

2018 Spreading time,

Now, Applet design platform available in Android market and it will soon be available for other platforms.

Now, you are able to build your desired executable program as a mobile app in easy steps without need any additional applications installed on your smart phone. Sketch your idea in the mind, and at the moment, design it by NIO as a propriety software!

For Instance, you can create an encrypted live chat system with your friends, capable of sending arbitrary data as well as text messages. Moreover, you can send your documents with a devised format titled, .nio format, by the common social networks, E-mails or messengers. Due to the power of nio format encapsulating different information, your colleagues receive text, great charts and etc. by just a few clicks. NIO also provides you with such an astonishing tool for designing an interactive catalogue attracting your customers’ attention not only because of stylish texts and figures, but also due to viewing multimedia promotions. Thus, you fabricate a live feedback framework of your products while doing your best design by simply manipulating NIO software.

You can find about nio from niomatic visual programming official website.



M. Pajuhaan

Design is my passion and expertise. I am an engineer, inventor and entrepreneur. Currently my focus is on designing businesses based on AI and robotics.