Pucker Up! Chinese Startup Brings Long-Distance Kissing to Life with MUA

Pyry Pajunen
2 min readMar 24, 2023


Oh, the things we do for love! In the age of technology and the aftermath of a pandemic, a Chinese startup named Siweifushe has taken long-distance relationships to a whole new level. Introducing MUA, a remote kissing device that lets you smooch your significant other from miles away. 💋


Invented by Zhao Jianbo, a former student at the Beijing Film Academy, MUA was inspired by the isolation experienced during lengthy lockdowns. Apparently, video calls just didn’t cut it for physical intimacy. But fear not, lonely lovers, because MUA is here to save the day (and your lips)!

The MUA looks like a mobile stand with a set of silicon lips sticking out. It pairs with your smartphone, and by using an app, you can send and receive kisses that feel almost real (I haven’t tried though). The device even warms up a little and captures sound, making your virtual smooching sessions all the more authentic. And if you’re feeling adventurous, you can even download kisses from other users!

When Video Calls Aren’t Enough

MUA has been met with mixed reactions. While some users are intrigued by the concept, others find it downright uncomfortable. The biggest complaint? No tongue! Sorry, folks, MUA is strictly a PG-rated kisser.

Despite the controversy, MUA is a hit! With over 3,000 kissing machines sold and about 20,000 orders received in the first two weeks, it seems lovebirds are craving that long-lost touch.

While MUA isn’t the first remote kissing device, it’s definitely making headlines. So, whether you’re a fan or a skeptic, one thing’s for sure: long-distance relationships just got a whole lot more interesting. Pucker up, everyone! 🥰

Please note, I am not affiliated with Siweifushe or the MUA product. I’m simply an intrigued observer who finds this company both funny and fascinating. Let me know if you would use it!

