Pakiza Riasat
3 min readJun 13, 2024

How the Amal Academy Fellowship Changed My Perspective

Before joining the career prep fellowship at Amal Academy, I had heard it described as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. People talked about how it had transformed their lives, but I dismissed it as clever marketing. Skeptical yet curious, I applied and was accepted. My expectations were low; I doubted it would bring any significant improvement to my life.

From the very first course, however, my perspective began to change. The fellowship continuously pushed me out of my comfort zone. I found myself doing tasks I never imagined doing — identifying problems in my route, sending gratitude letters, and even collecting funds from strangers in my village.

Before Amal, I had completed my bachelor’s in Biotechnology and felt lost about my future. Convinced that my degree had no prospects in Pakistan, I planned to pursue a Master’s degree, hoping to eventually go abroad for a PhD. But the fellowship sessions and discussions gradually changed my outlook. The pivotal moment for me came when I dropped my resume in person at the University of Punjab (PU). This was part of a project work, and without the fellowship, I would never have attempted it.

Although earlier sessions had started to shift my thought process, this incident was a game-changer. The idea of dropping off a resume in person seemed hard, but I took the step. Waiting for almost an hour and a half to meet the recruiter was not easy, and when he finally arrived, he was in a rush. Despite the brief interaction, he assured me that my online application would receive special consideration because I had gone the extra mile. This experience was eye-opening. I realized that my negative attitude — believing my degree was useless and that applying for jobs was futile — was holding me back. The worst-case scenario of not getting a job was already my reality, so what did I have to lose by trying? Hearing stories of others who had succeeded by going the extra mile inspired me to change my approach.

If I had this motivation right after my bachelor’s degree, my life decisions might have been different. I would have applied for jobs and internships without focusing on the negative aspects first. While I can’t change the past, I am optimistic about the future. I believe things can only get better from here.

The Amal Academy fellowship has transformed me from someone who saw only obstacles to someone who sees opportunities. I now approach tasks with a positive attitude, persistence, and a willingness to go the extra mile. This journey has taught me that no degree is useless and that with the right mindset, every challenge can be turned into a stepping stone toward success.

Looking back, I am grateful for the push out of my comfort zone. It has changed not just my career prospects but also my outlook on life. I now plan and think strategically about achieving my goals, confident that with hard work and determination, I can shape my own destiny. In conclusion, the Amal Academy fellowship has indeed been a life-changing experience. It has equipped me with the tools and mindset needed to pursue my dreams and has shown me that with persistence, anything is possible. I look forward to the journey ahead with newfound hope and determination.