Magical Marvels of the Natural World

Paakhi Salunkhe
4 min readMay 24, 2023


The weather is as moody and unpredictable as I am. Now that I am comparing myself with the weather, let me expand on the fact that it is beautiful and charming, just like me — narcissist alert! wink.

Jokes aside, saying that nature is captivating is an understatement in itself. It has many shades, but today we are going to explore its less intense and funnier side.

Are we ready? Whether you say yes or no, it doesn’t matter because I am going to complete this article. So it is better if we cooperate.

Let’s start:

  1. Sun Dogs: Also known as parhelia, sun dogs are luminous spots or patches of light that appear beside the sun, creating a halo-like effect. These optical illusions occur when sunlight passes through ice crystals in the atmosphere, resulting in a mischievous display of colors that mocks the sun.

2. Fogbows: Fogbows, also known as white rainbows or ghost rainbows, are similar to rainbows but with a twist. Instead of the vibrant colors, we’re used to, fogbows appear as faint, ghostly white arcs. They occur when sunlight interacts with tiny water droplets in fog, creating a magical and slightly erratic sight.

3. Thundersnow: Thunderstorms are typically associated with warm weather, but sometimes nature decides to mix things up. Thundersnow occurs when thunder and lightning accompany a snowstorm. The contrast between the peaceful white landscape and the booming sounds of thunder can be awe-inspiring. It looks like Thor, the Marvel character and god of thunder in Norse mythology, got hammered.

4. Snow Rollers: Picture giant snowballs rolling across a field all by themselves. Snow rollers are rare cylindrical snow formations that form when strong winds blow across snow-covered surfaces, causing chunks of snow to be lifted and rolled.

5. Morning Glory Clouds: Morning Glory clouds are rare and elongated cloud formations that often occur in the Gulf of Carpentaria in northern Australia. These rolling clouds can stretch for several hundred kilometers and are caused by a unique combination of atmospheric conditions. Their unique shape and the way they seem to “roll” across the sky make them a spectacle that is both #SmileWorthy and Instagram-worthy.

6. Green Flash: The green flash is an atmospheric optical phenomenon that occurs just before sunrise or after sunset. It appears as a brief flash of green light on the horizon. While it can be challenging to spot, the green flash is a playful surprise that adds a touch of magic to the beginning or end of the day. Who ignores a green FLAG? Oops, I mean who ignores a green FLASH?

7. Moonbows: Just as rainbows are created by sunlight, moonbows are formed by the light of the moon. When the moon is nearly full and low on the horizon, and rain or mist is present, you may be lucky enough to witness a moonbow. Moonbows are typically fainter than rainbows and have a pale, silvery appearance, adding a touch of enchantment to the night sky.

There are thousands more of such notable natural wonders that will surely captivate our hearts and leave us in awe.

These remind us that not only humans but also meteorological phenomena, have the potential to be whimsical.



Paakhi Salunkhe

Hi, I'm a Procrastinating blogger sharing humorous musings on literally ANYTHING. Join me on this journey of amazing stories, laughter and FACTS.