Elon Musk and a Big Problem Called “Domain Generalization”

A Crucial Aspect Overlooked by the Media

Pala Najana
7 min readJan 20, 2024


Created by the author via DALL-E

Remember the good old times? Back, when Elon was still mainly known as a visionary entrepreneur?

Today, he is so much more than that: a deranged multi-billionaire, an agitator, an enabler of disinformation, a supporter of a convicted conspiracy theorist, a social media mogul, and a far-right activist.

I have followed these news with increasing concern. There is no doubt in my mind that these developments are incredibly dangerous.

But the weird thing is:

To this day, when I listen to Elon speaking in interviews, it seems evident to me that he fundamentally harbors no ill intentions. I’m almost certain that he genuinely aims to contribute to a better, fairer, and more sustainable society.

He doesn’t want to cause harm.

But he does.

Despite good intentions, Musk has promoted racism and discrimination, pushed dangerous conspiracies, and unleashed a wave of hate. Without intending to, he has become a threat to democracy.

Good intentions — seriously?”, you could ask. “Then why the hell is he doing all this?”

