Introducing a New Chapter

Paladins DAO
3 min readJun 20, 2024


Cyberdins — the first collectibles mint for Paladins DAO

There’s been many reasons why projects have launched NFT collections.

They’ve been launched for user acquisition, for raising funds, for teasing airdrops and many of them have just been used for grift and exit scamming.

But Paladins DAO has always used NFTs for our one singular purpose, which is to further expand the IP and influence of the Paladins brand within blockchain gaming.

The original 100 NFTs were launched as a governing council, a wise group of leaders from diverse backgrounds who could oversee and advise the growth of the community.

We encouraged individuals to don their NFTs as Vtubers, to compete to be the best, and a few rose to the challenge and became the Paladins Vanguard. Members like 0xChanglu — (Paladins #10), 0xMizzy (Paladins #80) who then started Catalyst OG, Jave who’s come to be well known within all the BD circles, Himars the GOAT of community management, and Digitstak the cross chain alpha seeker. This squad have come to represent the best of Web3 gaming, and navigate the world with ease.

Do we get it? No. Do we believe in it? Yes.

The Cyberseum was created to expand our universe, and to give those crazy denizens in Web3 a place to call home, the people who truly believe that Web3 gaming is the future and want to be a part of it, despite the doom and gloom that may go across the timeline.

So we’re introducing the Cyberdins, a 5,555 collection of Paladins warriors who aren’t scared to be at the forefront of Web3 gaming, finding the best games, minting the best collections, and being the warlords of our future digital landscape. Furthermore we’re launching the collection as a 404 collection, allowing native hybridization and unlocking the ability for you to reroll your Cyberdin as many times as you want, or to own fractions of the IP if you’re priced out of owning a full one.

The Cyberdins are meant to be a cultural movement, and the Paladins IP will support it as such with memes, games, or merchandise, whatever is required to spread our influence. One really interesting way that we want people to explore is to earn through PVP the right to rig their Cyberdin as a Vtuber and create content with it. We’re also in talks with AI partners that will inject personalities into each Cyberdin, so that potentially your Cyberdin can evolve on its own and develop its own quirks and consciousness that it expresses alongside the content that you create.

The Cyberseum will be a home to those who want to have a community in Web3 gaming, a place where they can strive to be the best and sharpen their steel with other warriors. For the world can be a dreary and threatening place, so the Cyberdins have to have each other’s backs.

Stay tuned for launch date details. And yes there will be airdrops.

