Palak Tyagi
3 min readJun 4, 2024


Me Before You — Jojo Moyes

“You only get one life. It’s your duty to live it as fully as possible.”

Me Before You’ is a poignant novel by the acclaimed author ‘Jojo Moyes.’ I first became familiar with Moyes when I read, ‘Shattering Rains.’ This is when I researched about her and her work. I picked up ‘Shattering Rains’ at the Book Fair, 2023, solely because it was inexpensive and because I felt pressured to buy something.

‘Me Before You’ was my third consecutive fiction read within five days — quite a streak! The book charms you with its authentic and raw writing style. With each chapter, the reader gets engrossed in the lives of the protagonists, Will Traynor and Louisa Clarke.

Louisa Clarke is an ordinary girl living an ordinary life until she becomes unemployed. She has to keep the house running and thus she reluctantly agrees to be the caretaker of Will Traynor for six months.

Will Traynor, a man who is now paralysed after an accident. The man who once was full of life and adventure, is now bound to a wheelchair.

When Louisa and Will first meet, Will is moody, short tempered and angry at everyone. While his family bends to his irregular behaviour, Louisa challenges him and refuses to be just another “yes” person in his life.

Will wasn’t always like this. After the accident, he lost hope in life and all he wants now is to end it, feeling it will never be good enough. It will always reminisce him of the life he could have and now doesn’t anymore.

This wasn’t disclosed to Louisa at the Job Interview and and she starts working with honest intent to make Will’s life easier and more cheerful.

Once she discovers Will’s wish to go to Switzerland to end his sufferings, she makes it her mission to change his mind.

Despite being in wheelchair, Will is the most intellectual, caring, and heartful person, Louisa has ever met. He challenges her to become better, to learn, grow, and seize the opportunities.

“Challenge yourself a bit. You’re going to feel uncomfortable in your new world for a bit. It always does feel strange to be knocked out of your comfort zone.”

Thus, they embark on missions for each other.

During the six months, Louisa takes Will out for concerts, horse races show, walks, and even to her home and to abroad. These endeavours require meticulous planning and efforts, as Will’s medical needs must be taken care of and the places must be wheelchair friendly.

These efforts change Louisa, making her more confident and self-aware. She begins to contemplate what she wants from life and eventually falls in love with Will.

The novel is full of humour, satire, and emotions. At some points, you would long for the book to never end while at some chapters, you would be reading through blurry lines eager to discover what happens next.

As the six months draws to a close, Will’s resolve to end his life only strengthens.

“You can only help someone if they want to be helped.”

But he enjoys his time with Louisa. In his words, those six months were the best days of his life, funnily.

Louisa eventually accepts Will’s choice — to die for him and to live fully for herself.

What resonated with me the best while reading this gem, is how love can be found in the most unexpected ways and that Love is beyond perfection and set standards. Jojo Moyes ensures that the readers become more invested as the story progresses and the characters grow.

This book is a heartfelt exploration of love, loss, and the courage it takes to live fully. Highly recommended for those who appreciate emotionally rich narratives that challenge and inspire.



Palak Tyagi

“Nothing so frightens me as writing, but nothing so satisfies me.” — Maya Angelou