What are Hybrid Data Centers?

Palak Sharma
2 min readJan 16, 2020


Data Centers are an organization’s central repository consisting of IT infrastructure and IT operations to manage an organization’s growing data needs. IT Hybrid Data Centers are a combination of on-premise IT infrastructure, private and public cloud environments.

As companies become more agile, so does the IT infrastructure needs to adapt to meet those needs. Though on-premise IT infrastructure has its own benefits of a secure environment for operation, the organization’s flexibility and scalability is reduced as many applications that need a public cloud environment to work are not supported by the existing on-prem IT infrastructure.

Enter Hybrid Data Centers.

A hybrid data center combines the existing IT infrastructure (over which you have complete control) with ready-made IT infrastructure solutions such as IaaS ( Infrastructure-As-A-Service) or public cloud offerings, such as Amazon® Web Services (AWS®).

Here are the key benefits of utilizing a hybrid-cloud IT infrastructure-

1) Expansion or reduction in facilities as required:

A hybrid cloud option enables organizations to license and outsource IT infrastructure. Therefore, there is no need to purchase additional hardware that would be sitting idle half of the time. It makes more sense to outsource it -As-A-Service.

In addition, data center architectures could differ significantly. For example, public on-cloud applications would need a completely different IT infrastructure environment from those applications that operate in a private cloud environment. A hybrid data center facility would be the most helpful in this case.

2) Improved Performance :

Hybrid data centers separate IT components based on-priority. Therefore, IT performance is improved as networks are optimized to handle peak traffic conditions. Network performance is improved and the efficiencies are optimized to ensure the performance of critical applications. Thus, organization performance is improved due to reduced down-times.

3) Customizing your security-based policies :

In a private cloud environment, the opportunities to customize security definitions are limited as there are several restrictions based on the IT vendor. However, a hybrid cloud environment offers central management of on-premise and public cloud IT security policies. Therefore, it is easier to manage and define IT security with a single control panel for management of firewalls and network environments.

4) Cost Efficiencies :

The hybrid cloud solution helps companies to save costs in various departments. On the one hand, the public cloud comes with flexibility requires a low price to operate; on the other, building a private enterprise cloud is quite costly due to all the necessary physical hardware. The hybrid cloud optimizes the capacity of both worlds — through efficient IT infrastructure with low downtimes.

The Hybrid Datacenter offers numerous benefits and enables organizations to utilize IT infrastructure — AAS( As-A-Service model).

