About darkness and light

Nikos Palavitsinis
3 min readFeb 11, 2018

A little bit of darkness, a little bit of light, a golden balance with bright white suns that blind you but also give you that feeling of being reborn; clean, honest and prepared. And those pale moons that look at you from up high with one eye open, either sleepy or just winking at you for something that only you know.Or just because they know you for what you really are.

Looking straight within you, during these nights that you are walking near the sea or hiding below trees or just laying covered under your warm blanket. They can pass through closed doors, through ceilings and fireplaces; whatever it takes so that they can reach the core of everything. In the same absolute and fierce manner that only you can reach the core of yourself, when you’re not blinded by your own suns.

A little bit of darkness and a bit of light, in photos that are old but not black and white. They are merely digital photos of low resolution, dark and fuzzy, like your dreams of late. With the same amount of blurriness of those dreams of the morning that vanish in the light of day. Forgotten photos in envelopes with random names on the outside, that you always come across when you need them the most.



Nikos Palavitsinis

Unpublished author, published father, optimistic outlook that start from pessimistic writing most of the times. Love life, live love.