Create Your First NFT on Artists Valley with the Palm Network: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s create your first NFT! Follow this visual guide to mint your artwork on the Artists Valley platform using the Palm network.

Palm Foundation
3 min readAug 4, 2023

Are you an artist eager to showcase your talent in the thriving world of NFTs? Look no further! With, you can effortlessly mint your art pieces and join the vibrant Palm Network.

Let’s get started with this step-by-step guide:

1️⃣ Connect Your Wallet 🛡️

Visit and connect your wallet to ensure smooth access to the platform.

2️⃣ Change Network 🌐

At the top of the page, select “Change network.” From the pop-up, opt for “Palm” to join our thriving creative community.

3️⃣ Create Your Masterpiece 🎨

Click on “Create” to unleash your artistry! Upload your art piece file (remember, the limit is 150MB), and you can also add a cover file (1:1 squared, max 5MB) to give your NFT a captivating allure.

4️⃣ Fill in the Details ✍️

Now, let’s provide essential information about your NFT. Fill in the title and description to give your audience insights into your artistic vision. You can keep the category as “Art.”

5️⃣ Tags and Metadata 🏷️

Enhance discoverability by entering relevant tags to facilitate searches for your masterpiece (optional). You can also add more metadata to the file, giving it that extra layer of uniqueness (optional).

6️⃣ Review and Create 🧐

Take a moment to review all the details of your NFT. Once you’re satisfied, click “Create NFT” to bring your art to life on the blockchain.

7️⃣ Sign from Your Wallet 📝

To finalize the minting process, you’ll be prompted to sign from your wallet, ensuring authenticity and ownership of your precious creation.

And there you have it! 🌟 Your stunning NFT is now minted on, ready to be discovered and cherished by art enthusiasts worldwide. Embrace the power of NFTs on the Palm Network and let your creativity soar to new heights!

If you prefer to watch a full demo video that teaches how to create a Palm ID, mint your art on Palm Network at Artists Valley, and submit your art, watch here:

Don’t forget to join us at our Community telegram !

