Beauty Beyond Borders: Celebrating Caribbean Women’s Diverse Beauty Standards

4 min readSep 27, 2023


Exploring a beauty that transcends borders.

In the Sun-Kissed Medley of Caribbean culture, women fearlessly challenge and redefine beauty standards. Emphasizing the importance of embracing their features and celebrating individuality, Caribbean women are breaking free from societal expectations. With diverse ethnic backgrounds including Indigenous, African, Indian, European, Chinese, and Portugues the diaspora is able to foster a multitude of beauty ideals, breaking free from boundaries and acknowledging that beauty transcends borders. Caribbean women are proudly embracing their unique features, from an array of skin colors to a combination of hair types, and curvaceous bodies. This movement encourages self-love, confidence, and inclusivity within the realm of Caribbean beauty, creating a vibrant montage of sensuality and empowerment.

This diverse background of Caribbean women has helped develop a range of beauty rituals, skincare routines, and hair care practices that emphasize and enhance their natural beauty. These practices often incorporate traditional ingredients and cultural beauty secrets from different lineages that have been passed down through generations. Caribbean women swear by natural remedies from their African and indigenous heritage, like coconut oil, castor oil, aloe vera, hibiscus, and shea butter, which nourish and hydrate the skin and hair (Hibiscus also makes the world’s best drink, Sorrell) as well as ingredients cherished in Indian beauty practices like turmeric, neem, and henna that are also popular for skin and hair. The impact of these diverse cultural influences on Caribbean women’s beauty practices is truly remarkable. From the rhythmic beats of African heritage to the vibrant spirit of the indigenous peoples, each cultural influence adds its own magic to the realm of beauty. These rituals not only enhance physical beauty but also promote a sense of well-being and self-care that cultivates a cultural pride that runs deep within the hearts of Caribbean women, influencing their beauty choices with a fierce sense of identity and celebration.

Cultural pride and diversity are also expressed through a mesmerizing fusion of makeup and fashion. Caribbean women effortlessly blend traditional and contemporary styles, creating a unique visual experience that reflects the vibrant spirit of Caribbean culture. Make-up artists like Iva Latoya Lewis (@Glamourbytoya on insta) from Saint Lucia embrace unique color palettes, incorporating vibrant hues like turquoise, inspired by the beautiful shores of the island, and sun-kissed oranges into their looks, adding tropical flair that sets them apart.

Celebrity MUA Iva Latoya Lewis modeling her fierce carnival beat

As for fashion trends, there is a delightful mix of traditional garments and modern silhouettes. From the vibrant colors and patterns of by Kristin Frazer to the carnival-inspired feather headpieces in Theophilio's show in NYFW’s Spring 2023 (@theophilio), there is a wealth of inspiration to draw from. Caribbean women effortlessly infuse their everyday beauty routines with Caribbean-inspired elements as well as set the tone for trends in fashion and beauty for others alike.

feather headpiece (Theophilio) NYFW’s Spring 2023 (Left), Kristin Frazer CEO and designer of trefle Designs (Right)

Beyond makeup, not only do Caribbean women express their vibrant spirit and heterogeneity through colorful cosmetics, but also challenge societal beauty standards by embracing diverse body types with confidence and pride. From curvaceous goddesses like influencer Shaunice Griffith (@shaun_xx ) to athletic powerhouses like Elaine Thompson-Herah (@fastelaine), Caribbean women are embracing their unique shapes and sizes, celebrating the beauty that comes with this identity.

Shaunice Griffith (Left) and Elaine Thompson-Herah (Right)

Initiatives, influencers, and movements within the Caribbean community play a pivotal role in promoting this as well, For instance, Influencers like the beautiful model and podcaster Gabrielle Fequiere (@iamgabbyfe) and fitness mogul Simone Capri Ware (@capricurves) are using their platforms to inspire others to embrace their bodies and prioritize self-care. Events like Caribbean fashion shows and beauty pageants like the “National Carnival Queen pageant (hosted by @carnivalstlucia) or Ms. Caribbean Full-Figured U.S.A are breaking molds, challenging the narrow definitions of beauty. Body-positive campaigns and workshops in the diaspora are fostering conversations that encourage women to love themselves unconditionally, regardless of societal expectations. By celebrating their diverse body types and embracing their unique beauty, Caribbean women are reshaping the narrative of beauty and empowering others to do the same.

Gabrielle Fequiere (Left), Simone Capri Ware (Right)

“Beauty Beyond Borders” celebrates the diverse beauty standards embraced by Caribbean women of all ethnicities, both within the Caribbean region and as first-generation Americans. By embracing a distinctively radiant beauty and honoring cultural influences, Caribbean woman redefine the standard of beauty, inspiring and uplifting one another, fostering a sense of unity and pride in their collective beauty.




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