Exploring Python’s Type Hints and Checks

Palwisha Akhtar
8 min readApr 16, 2024


In the world of Python programming, type hints and type checking have become increasingly popular topics. With the introduction of PEP 484, Python has evolved to support type hints, allowing developers to specify the types of variables, function parameters, and return values. This has led to a more structured and robust codebase, making it easier to catch errors and improve code readability. Let’s take a deep dive into Python type hints and checks to understand their importance and how they can benefit your projects.

Type Systems: Dynamic vs. Static Python

Within the Python ecosystem, the debate between dynamic and static typing underscores a fundamental aspect of programming languages. While Python’s dynamic typing enables variables to change types easily, enhancing flexibility and speeding up initial development phases, it can obscure type errors until runtime. Conversely, static typing in other languages mandates explicit declarations, helping identify type mismatches at compile time, thus potentially reducing runtime errors. This contrast highlights the significance of Python’s shift towards embracing type hints, bridging the gap by allowing developers to opt-in to static-type-like checks within a dynamically typed language framework.

Evolution with PEP 484: Type Hints in Python

PEP 484 marked a pivotal moment for Python, ushering in the era of type hints which empower developers to annotate their code with explicit type information. This innovation, while maintaining Python’s dynamic nature, introduced a toolset for clearer, more predictable code by enabling developers to communicate expected data types for function parameters, return values, and variables, thus enhancing both development efficiency and code interoperability among teams.

Python Type Hints: Overview

Type hints in Python serve as a mechanism to annotate code with type information explicitly, outlining what data types functions expect for their parameters and what they return. This feature, while optional, greatly aids in code clarity and facilitates early error detection during the development phase.

The generic syntax involves specifying a variable name followed by a colon (:), declaring the variable type, and then completing the expression by assigning a value to the variable. Here’s an example:

<variable_name>: <variable_type> = <variable_value>

title: str = "Exploring Python's Type Hints and Checks - Part 1"

Through type hints, developers can produce self-documenting code that is easier for others to follow and maintain, bridging the dynamic nature of Python with the benefits of static type checking practices.

Python Type Hints: Basic Types

Python’s type hinting system accommodates basic data types such as integers, strings, booleans, and floats. This allows developers to specify the type of each variable, function parameter, and return value explicitly. For instance, hinting a variable as an integer with `var: int` or annotating a function to return a boolean with `-> bool` aids in clarifying the intended use and data handling within the code, enhancing its readability and debuggability.

Variable annotations:

a: int = 3
b: float = 2.4
c: bool = True
d: list = ["A", "B", "C"]
e: dict = {"x": "y"}
f: set = {"a", "b", "c"}
g: tuple = ("name", "age", "job")

Functions annotations:

def add_numbers(x: int, y: int= 100) -> int:
return x + y

Class annotations:

class Person:
first_name: str = "John"
last_name: str = "Does"
age: int = 31

Python Type Hints: Advanced Types using the Typing Module

However, suppose you need to pass your function a slightly complex argument consisting of a list of floats. How would you annotate it? You can try writing something like this by composing the list type with float type.

def sum_of_list(l: list[float]):
return sum(l)

Nice try.

Sadly, this doesn’t work although it seems natural and intuitive to write.

The notation of using built-in types directly as generic types, such as list[float], is not supported.

In Python, generic types are types that can be parameterized with other types. They are used to specify collections or data structures that can contain elements of a specific type. Generic types are commonly used in type hints to provide additional information about the expected types of variables, function parameters, and return values. For specifying generic types with built-in types, Python typing module should be used

For the above example, you simply need to replace the built-in standard list type with the List type that you import from the typing module.

from typing import List

def sum_of_list(l: List[float]):
return sum(l)

The Typing module extends Python’s type hinting capabilities beyond basic types to include more complex data structures and relationships. By utilizing advanced types such as List, Tuple, Dict, Sequence, Callable, Any, Optional, Union, and NoReturn, developers can precisely define the structures and behaviors of their code components. Let’s discuss examples for some of them.


In Python, an object of type Sequence refers to anything that can be indexed, such as a list, a tuple, or a string, or even more complex structures like a list of objects or a tuple of lists of tuples. Often, when writing a function, you may want one of the parameters to accept any sequence type, regardless of its specific implementation. In such cases, you simply need it to be a sequence. This allows you to pass any iterable object, and the function will function properly.

from typing import Sequence

def process_sequence(data: Sequence) -> None:
for item in data:

# Works with any iterables
process_sequence([1, 2, 3]) # list
process_sequence({1, 2, 3}) # set
process_sequence({1: "a", 2: "b", 3: "c"}) # dict
process_sequence((1, 2, 3)) # tuple
process_sequence("123") # string


Python’s Optional type hint from the typing module proves invaluable when handling functions that may accept arguments of a specific type or None. Consider the Optional type hint in action within the greet function. This simple greeting function takes a person’s name as an argument. Annotating the name parameter with Optional[str] signals that the function can receive either a string representing the person’s name or None if no name is provided. Within the function, we leverage this flexibility by checking if the name is None. If so, we greet the person with a generic ‘Hello, stranger!’ message. Otherwise, we greet them by their name. By embracing this flexibility, we gracefully handle optional parameters, enhancing the robustness and adaptability of our code.

from typing import Optional

def greet(name: Optional[str]) -> str:
if name is None:
return "Hello, stranger!"
return f"Hello, {name}!"

print(greet("Alice")) # Output: Hello, Alice!
print(greet(None)) # Output: Hello, stranger!


When programming, it’s common to encounter scenarios where a function must accommodate different types of input data. This is where the Union type hint from the typing module proves invaluable. Let’s explore this concept through the parse_input function. This function accepts either integers or strings, but we aim for consistent handling regardless of the type. By annotating the data parameter and return value with Union[int, str], we explicitly specify that the function can process either integers or strings. Within the function, we first discern the type of input. If it’s an integer, we return it as is. If it’s a string, we attempt conversion to an integer. If successful, we return the integer; otherwise, we return the original string. Such flexibility enables us to gracefully handle various types of input

from typing import Union

def parse_input(data: Union[int, str]) -> Union[int, str]:
if isinstance(data, int):
return int(data)
elif isinstance(data, str):
return int(data)
except ValueError:
return data

result1 = parse_input(123)
print("Parsed result 1:", result1) # Output: Parsed result 1: 123 (as an integer)

result2 = parse_input("456")
print("Parsed result 2:", result2) # Output: Parsed result 2: 456 (as an integer)

result3 = parse_input("abc")
print("Parsed result 3:", result3) # Output: Parsed result 3: abc (remains as a string)

But …

Type hints in Python don’t affect runtime; they’re just hints, not enforced during execution.

Why Bother with Type Hints?

  • Documentation: Type hints in functions provide informative signatures, clarifying assumptions about argument types and return values.
  • Reduced Cognitive Overhead: Specifying types removes ambiguity, making code easier to read and debug.
  • Better IDEs and Linters: Type hints facilitate static reasoning, leading to cleaner code analysis.
  • Cleaner Architecture: Writing type hints prompts consideration of program types, aiding in building and maintaining a cohesive architecture.

And Python type checkers use type hints to perform static type checking.

Why Type Checking Matters?

Large codebases often encounter runtime bugs due to unexpected data input, which can be challenging to debug, requiring tracing through multiple layers. Static typing offers a solution by enforcing type constraints during development, preventing these bugs and saving valuable development time

It offers a layer of predictability and reliability to your code. Leveraging type hints, tools like Mypy analyze your codebase for type consistency, ensuring that errors are caught well before the code is executed.

Introducing Mypy: Your Python Static Type Checker

Mypy stands at the forefront of enhancing Python’s type system, providing a rigorous method to enforce type discipline across your codebase. This tool delves deep into your scripts, utilizing the provided type hints to flag discrepancies and potential pitfalls before runtime. Lets suppose we have the following code:

# add_numbers.py

def add_numbers(x: int, y: int) -> int:
return x + y

print(add_numbers("5", 10))

If we run this python file with mypy, it will throw an error of incompatible types.

mypy add_numbers.py

add_numbers.py:6: error: Argument 1 to "add_numbers" has incompatible type "str"; expected "int"
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

The question that arises for me as a developer is whether using mypy means I will have to add type hints to my entire codebase?

It’s not an all-or-nothing scenario.

Python supports the concept of gradual typing, allowing you to progressively introduce types into your code. Code without type hints will be ignored by mypy. Therefore, you can start adding types to critical components, and continue as long as it adds value.

Gradual Typing in Python

Gradual typing strikes a harmonious balance between the dynamic nature of Python and the stringent demands of static type systems. This pragmatic approach allows developers to progressively introduce type hints into their code at their own pace, making it possible to incrementally enhance type safety and code clarity without the need to fully commit to a strictly typed paradigm from the start.

The example below demonstrates that gradual typing combines dynamic and static typing, allowing for both typed and untyped code in the same program.

from typing import List

def square_numbers(numbers: List[int]) -> List[int]:
return [n ** 2 for n in numbers]

# Untyped region
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# Typed region
squared_numbers = square_numbers(numbers)


The flexibility offered by gradual typing means that Python projects can evolve in complexity and robustness, accommodating both rapid prototyping and the development of large, intricate systems.

In Summary

The adoption of type hints and checks in Python coding practices significantly elevates the development experience. By utilizing the Typing module and tools like Mypy, programmers can enhance code accuracy, streamline debugging, and ensure compatibility across teams. This methodology not only accelerates the development cycle by identifying issues early on but also fosters a culture of precision and clarity. Embracing these practices, regardless of project size, leads to more dependable and cleaner code, showcasing the undeniable benefits of integrating type hints and static type checking into Python projects.

Mypy stands as a potent static type checker, offering developers a pathway to enhanced code robustness and maintainability. Exploring its advanced type-checking concepts, including type guards, type inference, and generic types, proves invaluable for fostering more resilient and easily maintainable codebases.

