“Stroking the Pages”

Pamela Posa
2 min readAug 10, 2018


“…. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people, citizens of distant epochs, who never knew one another. Books break the shackles of time ― proof that humans can work magic.”
— Carl Sagan

There is nothing like holding a book and feeling the pages. To smell the paper, feel the texture, and the sound of turning a page is priceless!
Libraries will never go out of style. Sure, not visited as much as other times, but nonetheless walking into a library for the first time, seeing the endless aisles with so many rows of shelves needing ladders to reach the very top to get that one book you need.
We need our libraries for our children. They deserve to have the opportunity to understand, visually, a room full of humankind’s written words of all different viewpoints through time!
I remember getting my first library card. I was a big girl, now! I remember being dropped off at the library, by myself, and entering a whole new world. I had freedom to move around and that independance opened my eyes and mind to fantastic universes! My imagination soared to majestic heights and I learnt about many different ideas!
Today is passe’ for library cards,however, our children should learn our history about the magnitude of getting our first library card! How we stepped into a world of great independence enjoying the precious moments with an open mind that was only matched by our imagination.
True, the tech universe doesn’t NEED the wonderful rooms to explore the adventures of Mark Twain or Shakespeare.
Tech-knowledge is still not available to some families with limited income with many children and, yet, they have an incredible gift. Imagine how many books one would stumble upon in a room with choice, instead of books that are suggested by a computer!
We have an obligation to our future generations. We need to give the future our written words they can feel with their hands, to read with imagination, drawn on paper they can smell the history on each page turned.



Pamela Posa

Being a great confidant draws people to me. I love the interaction that sparks ideas that are thought provoking from others perspectives.