🐼 What Level of Excel Do I Need to Learn VBA?

🐼 panData
6 min readApr 1, 2023


Excel is a popular software application used for data analysis and management. It comes with a wide range of features that allow users to manipulate data in various ways. Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a programming language used to extend the functionality of Excel. However, many people wonder what level of Excel they need to learn VBA. This article provides a detailed answer to this question.

Understanding the basics of Excel

Before learning VBA, you need to have a good understanding of the basics of Excel. This includes understanding how to create and format spreadsheets, entering data, working with cells, rows, and columns, and performing simple calculations.

Learning intermediate Excel functions

Once you have a good grasp of the basics, you can move on to intermediate Excel functions. This includes learning how to use formulas, functions, and charts to manipulate data. You should also know how to use PivotTables, conditional formatting, and data validation.

1. PivotTables

PivotTables are a powerful feature in Excel that allow users to quickly summarize and analyze large amounts of data. They allow users to easily reorganize and manipulate data, by enabling them to drag and drop fields to create custom views of the data.

2. Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting is a feature in Excel that allows users to apply formatting rules to cells based on their content. These rules can be used to highlight cells that meet certain criteria, such as values above or below a certain threshold, duplicate values, or cells that contain specific text.

3. Data Validation

Data validation is a feature in Excel that allows users to control the types of data that can be entered into a cell or range of cells. It can be used to set rules for data entry, such as requiring a certain format or range of values. Data validation can also be used to create drop-down lists, which provide users with a predefined set of options to choose from. Overall, data validation is a useful tool for managing data quality and ensuring data integrity in Excel.

Working with advanced Excel functions

After mastering intermediate functions, you can move on to advanced Excel functions. This includes learning how to work with macros, array formulas, and lookup functions. You should also know how to use advanced charting techniques, such as sparklines and data bars.

1. Macros

Macros are a feature in Excel that allow users to automate repetitive tasks by recording a series of actions and then playing them back with a single click of a button. Macros can be used to perform a wide range of tasks, such as formatting data, generating reports, and performing calculations. They can also be customized using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to create more complex and sophisticated automation solutions.

2. Array Formulas

Array formulas are a feature in Excel that allow users to perform calculations on multiple sets of data simultaneously. They are created by enclosing a series of formulas within curly braces, which signals to Excel that the formula should be treated as an array. Array formulas can be used to perform complex calculations, such as summing the products of multiple arrays or performing calculations on non-contiguous ranges of data. They can also be used to create dynamic and flexible reports that automatically update as the underlying data changes.

3. Lookup Functions

Lookup functions are a group of functions in Excel that allow users to search for specific data within a range of cells and return related information. The most commonly used lookup functions are VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP, which search for data vertically and horizontally, respectively. These functions are useful for quickly retrieving information from large datasets, such as finding a customer’s name and address based on their account number.

Understanding the bsics of programming

Before learning VBA, you should have a basic understanding of programming concepts. This includes understanding variables, data types, and control structures. You should also know how to write simple programs in a programming language like Python or JavaScript.

Getting started with VBA

Once you have a good understanding of Excel and programming, you can start learning VBA. The first step is to understand the VBA editor and how to write basic VBA code. You should also know how to work with objects, methods, and properties.

1. Objects

Objects in VBA are programming elements that represent various entities in Excel, such as worksheets, cells, charts, and ranges. Objects have properties, which are characteristics that describe the object, such as its size, color, and location. They also have methods, which are actions that can be performed on the object, such as changing the font color or adding a border.

2. Methods

Methods are actions that can be performed on objects. Methods are typically used to modify the properties of an object or to perform a specific task. Methods can also accept arguments, which are values that are passed to the method to provide additional information or to modify its behavior for developing effective automation solutions in Excel.

3. Properties

Properties are the characteristics that define an object. Properties can be used to retrieve or modify the values of an object’s attributes, such as its size, location, color, or value. For example, the Range object in Excel has a number of properties, such as Value, which is the value of the cell, and Interior. ColorIndex, which is the color of the cell’s background. Properties can be accessed using dot notation, which involves specifying the name of the object, followed by a period and the name of the property.

Learning advanced VBA functions

After mastering the basics of VBA, you can move on to advanced VBA functions. This includes learning how to work with user forms, create custom functions, and automate tasks using VBA.

1. User forms

User forms are custom dialog boxes that can be created to collect user input or display information in a user-friendly way. User forms can contain various controls, such as text boxes, list boxes, drop-down menus, buttons, and images, which allow users to interact with the form and input or retrieve data.

2. Custom functions

Custom functions are user-defined functions that can be created to perform custom calculations or operations that are not available through Excel’s built-in functions. Custom functions can be created using VBA code and can be designed to accept one or more input values and return a single output value.

3. Automate Tasks

Automating tasks in VBA refers to the process of creating custom code that can perform repetitive or complex tasks in Excel automatically. This can involve writing macros to automate a series of actions or creating custom functions to perform calculations on large sets of data. VBA can also be used to create custom user interfaces, such as dialog boxes and forms, to improve the user experience of automation solutions.

Combining Excel and VBA

One of the powerful features of VBA is its ability to interact with Excel. You can use VBA to automate tasks, create custom functions, and manipulate data in Excel. You can also use Excel as a front-end interface for VBA applications.

Building practical projects with VBA

The best way to learn VBA is to build practical projects. This includes creating custom reports, automating repetitive tasks, and developing custom functions. You can also create add-ins and templates that can be shared with others.

Common mistakes to avoid when learning VBA

When learning VBA, there are some common mistakes to avoid. This includes not properly declaring variables, not handling errors, and not properly formatting code. You should also avoid using unnecessary loops and not testing code before deploying it.

Best resources for learning Excel and VBA

There are many resources available for learning Excel and VBA. This includes online courses, books, forums, and tutorials. Some of the best resources include Excel Easy, Excel Campus, and Udemy.


Learning VBA requires a good understanding of Excel and programming. You should start by mastering the basics of Excel, learning intermediate and advanced functions, and understanding programming concepts. Once you have a good grasp of these topics, you can move on to learning VBA. Starting with the basics, you can then progress to advanced functions and practical projects. Always be aware of common mistakes and utilize the best resources for learning.


What is VBA?

VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications, it’s a programming language used to extend the functionality of Microsoft Excel.

Can I learn VBA without knowing Excel?

No, it’s essential to have a good understanding of Excel before learning VBA.

Is VBA still relevant in today’s workplace?

Yes, VBA is still widely used in many industries, especially in finance, accounting, and data analysis.

Can I use VBA with other Microsoft Office applications?

Yes, VBA can be used with other Microsoft Office applications like Word and PowerPoint to automate tasks and manipulate data.

Thank you for reading it, 🐼❤️.



🐼 panData

Derived from the Latin word "pan," which means "all" or "every," a personal repository of Data I have studied and somewhat self-taught. 🐼❤️