LinkedIn Etiquette You Need to Know When Networking Remotely

How NOT to turn off potential connections

Even as businesses and offices start to reopen, networking is likely to remain virtual through the fall. Which is why it’s important for you to know how to use LinkedIn effectively, using proper LinkedIn etiquette.

This means doing more than just setting up or updating your profile and letting it sit there on the platform.

Most people only create a LinkedIn profile and then expect recruiters to magically start sending them invitations for interviews.

Or, they try to cold-connect with someone on the platform they don’t know, and expect him or her to immediately accept their connection request.

This is not how LinkedIn works.

First, there are many more things you can do with LinkedIn beyond creating a profile, which is something I spend time teaching my clients.

They’re always amazed at the different things I show them because they had no idea the platform could do those things.

Second, there are more things you need to do to build your network on LinkedIn. But, there is an etiquette to it.

If you fail to follow proper LinkedIn etiquette, you’ll likely turn off the people…



Lori Bumgarner Béen, Career Coach

Helping you who feel stuck in your career get unstuck & put your purpose & passion into action. | paNASH | SUP enthusiast | basketball fan