FrontEnd United Athens 2017

Panayiotis Georgiou
2 min readMay 25, 2017


On May 26 and 27, Athens will host one of the leading international events in front end development. The FrontEnd United conference is a European conference held annually in a different country.

What is FrontEnd United?

Frontend United is a yearly European conference that moves from country to country. Its aim is to bring frontend developers, designers and Drupal themers from all kinds of backgrounds closer together and share knowledge, experiences and ideas face-to-face.

FrontEnd United 2017 confirmed speakers include some of the industry’s most famous names such as:

  • Johnathan Snook, creator of the Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS (SMACSS)
  • Rachel Andrew, a prominent figure behind CSS Grid Layout
  • Lea Verou, a researcher at MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and member of the W3C CSS Working Group
  • Jeremy Keith, developer and writer with a high profile in the latest developments in web technologies
  • Zaharenia Atzitzikaki (Sugarenia), Lead Designer at Workable
  • Vitaly Friedman, co-editor and editor of the Smashing magazine

FrontEnd United Athens 2017

Conference Details:

Start:25 May 2017

End:28 May 2017

Website Conference:

Event Schedule

Venue: Kifisias Ave. 109 Athens, 11524 Greece!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d6288.603720859273!2d23.766779!3d37.993419!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x0%3A0xb515044d73f2e61d!2sDANAOS+CINEMA!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sgr!4v1495716122296

If you can’t attend don’t worry I have you covered.

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Originally published at Panayiotis Georgiou.

