Boldman Capital bounty and ico

anshu priya panda
4 min readAug 6, 2018


boldman capital is and ico where if you invest then you get 7.785% intrest of 1 eth.

Boldman Capital — Decentralized Investment Fund
We invest in unique Blockchain solutions and sharing the profit with token holders.
Boldman (BOLD) token investors are getting Ethereum (ETH) to their wallets as dividends at the start of every month.

Download brand logos and covers of Boldman Capital:
Please reply this thread with your ETH wallet if you are going to participate this bounty campaign.

Twitter Package
Change your Twitter profile photo to Boldman Capital’s logo for 30 days
Change your Twitter header photo to one of the Boldman Capital’s header photos for 30 days.
Change your Twitter name as “Your name — Boldman Capital Investor” for 30 days.
Retweet and like minimum 10 new tweets of Boldman Capital and reply this thread to confirm and notify for 30 days. (
Reply this thread with your Twitter URL when you started and completed.
You must complete all the steps to be eligible for this package’s reward.
Reward: 15.000 BOLD

Telegram Package
Change your Telegram profile photo to Boldman Capital’s logo for 30 days
Change your Telegram name as “Your name — Boldman Capital Investor” for 30 days.
Join Boldman Capital’s Telegram group. (
Reply this thread with your Telegram username when you started and completed.
You must complete all the steps to be eligible for this package’s reward.
Reward: 5.000 BOLD

YouTube Package
Review Boldman Capital ( in your YouTube channel.
Explain Boldman Capital’s business model, benefits, and features in the video.
Upload a unique thumbnail for your video with logo or header photos of Boldman Capital.
Videos can be in any language you want; there are no restrictions.
Reply this thread with your channel URL when you started and reply with your video URL when you completed.
Reward: 4000 BOLD + Extra 6000 BOLD depending on quality of video.

Blog Package
Publish a review about Boldman Capital ( in your blog or website.
Reply this thread with your blog URL when you started and reply with your post URL when you completed.
Reward: 4000 BOLD + Extra 6000 BOLD depending on quality of post.

More packages are on the way, stay tuned!

Boldman Capital
We invest in unique Blockchain solutions and sharing the profit with token holders.
Boldman (BOLD) token investors are getting Ethereum (ETH) to their wallets as dividends at the start of every month.

Boldman Capital ICO Details
We deployed a smart contract on Ethereum network to create Boldman (BOLD) tokens. Every token is a share of Boldman Capital, and all shareholders get ETH distribution as dividends at every start of the month.
Boldman Capital ICO phase started on 19 June 2018 and will end on 31 October 2018.
Invest now and earn ETH every month:

Soft cap
Unlike other ICO’s on crypto space, We are entirely functional and doing what we suppose to do. Therefore, there is no soft cap.

Hard cap
We are focusing on long term stability for our investors. Stable growth and income is the reason our shareholders invested in Boldman Capital. That is why we decided our hard cap as 5890 ETH.
Invest now and earn ETH every month:

We created Boldman Capital smart contract on Ethereum network with a function to mint tokens for every new investor with a maximum total supply limit as BOLD. Maximum supply doesn’t mean there will be BOLD tokens, but it means there can’t be more than that.

Our smart contract contains various bonuses as extra tokens on purchases to incentivize and attract new investors.
Current extra tokens bonus rate is %50, but it will decrease to %40 after 100 Million BOLD token sold. This %10 decrease in bonus will occur per 100M sold BOLD tokens.
Invest now and earn ETH every month:

One of the most critical features of Boldman Capital is that allocation of BOLD tokens through our operation. Depending on how many tokens minted in through ICO phase, allocations will be adjusted accordingly by percentage.

Initial Coin Offering
Shares of Boldman Capital are available to buy through “Crowdsale Contract” created by Boldman’s developers. Every purchase triggers minting and delivering tokens to the investor.
Allocation: Maximum 700.000.000 BOLD.
Invest now and earn ETH every month:

Building a loving community, increasing brand awareness, creating marketing campaigns for potential investors requires funds.
Allocation: %6.3 of total supply.

Research & Development
Boldman’s developers, financial analysts, managers and strategists are creating ways to increase profitability of Boldman Capital’s investments and investors.
Allocation: %8.7 of total supply.
Invest now and earn ETH every month:

Developer Initiative
We are funding crypto related profitable projects of skilled teams and partnering with them.
Allocation: %5 of total supply.

Insurance Fund
Boldman Capital allocated funds for unfortunate situations to stay profitable and share dividends.
Insurance fund will be used in only worst situations.
Allocation: %10 of total supply.

Boldman (BOLD) Features
ICO Contract:
Token Contract:
0.1 ETH = 15.000 BOLD
1 ETH = 150.000 BOLD


