Panda4F@H: Mine Pandacoin while helping scientific research

4 min readJul 10, 2018


The Panda4F@H initiative aims to donate unused computer power to scientific research through Folding@Home, and at the same time, reward those who dedicate that power to the cause. For this, the program continually raises and distributes funds according to everyone’s contribution to team work.

Folding@Home is a distributed computing project which uses the power of almost 200 000 computers across the world, generating 135 000 TeraFLOPS. All this force is dedicated to research, with major implications into Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s disease and many forms of cancer.

We want to strike hard and get people talking about how charitable the Pandacoin community is. Together, we can climb the ladder and hold the first places among all folders worldwide!

For this, we need your donations. Those will go to scientific research and, at the same time, be spread among the Pandacoin community; it would be difficult to give them a better purpose!

You can help support this project financially for the long term by sending pandacoin to this address::


Sponsors can also contribute to increase the prize pool of the week, and have a insert with their name or brand name shown on our website and shared with our group during that week. To contribute, please contact us on our official website.

Together, we can get even hundreds of people involved into this charity project.

Join us!

⚡ Team number: 234317
❓ Help material: Set up folding@home and join the team
🌐 Website:
🚀 Telegram group: Panda Folders
👥 Facebook: fb/Panda4FaH
🐤 Twitter: Panda4FaH

We can do it, together!

FAQ — Frequently asked questions

1. What does the community earn from this project?
The satisfaction of being charitable; of giving to others and help the scientific research in the fight against diseases that made humanity suffer for too long.

Pandacoin gains exposition, with the promoting campaign that surrounds the project. Moreover, with the place our team will reach among the others, we will attract attention of the organizing institution; the Pande Group, and of the Stanford University (which is charged to share the results with the various scientific institutions).

2. What is the current position of the Panda Folders team?
As of Jully 7th, 2018, the Panda Folders team is ranked 3106, among 227 935 teams, with 22 active folders already. We have generated less than 1% of what we plan to get with this project; the top 100 is within our reach!

Pandacoin Folders daily production.

3. What about the rewarding system?
We have an automated reward system that pays out the current reward amount once per week on late Saturday CST. The automated system collects the folding points for each Panda Folders team member with a valid Pandacoin wallet address as a folding user name. The current reward amount is split between those team members proportional to their points compared to the rest of the team’s points for the week. If you made 20% of the team’s points for the week, you will be automatically sent roughly 20% of the reward amount!

The reward amount is meant to encourage continued donations as well as include portions of larger donation funds each week. We are currently in a testing phase and gauging participation, so the size of each week’s portions isn’t determined yet.

4. What hardware can I use to fold?
You can fold with either your CPU, your GPU (AMD and NVidia brand graphics cards), or both. Graphic cards fold faster, but the difference with CPU folding is not as noticeable as with crypt-currency mining.

You can also fold with your CPU at the same time you GPU mine crypto-currencies or you can fold with both your CPU and GPU at the same time as you mine crypto-currencies with an ASIC.

5. Is folding labor intensive on the computer?
This depends on the hardware and configured folding power. Folding seems to be much easier on your hardware than mining. The Control interface allows you to set your folding power from light, to medium, to full.

Typically, you won’t notice a slowdown of your computer with CPU/GPU mining and can even watch video such as YouTube while GPU mining. Some really old CPUs, like Intel i3 or older, may lag slightly if folding at full power. Folding @ Home detects when you are using the computer and tries to scale back work until the computer is idle.

6. Are folding rewards affecting the inflation rate or the total supply of PND?
No. Folding does not generate any new coin. Users who participate in the project are paid from existing coins, donated by community members and sponsors. Panda4FaH helps the spread of pandacoins among the community :)

