4 min readFeb 2, 2023


[The secret of world greatest jail breaker man]

History tells us that the person in photo is greatest escaper ever in the world . Name is Redoine faid, He was born in 1972 in the suburbs of Paris and grew up in a family with a history of criminal activity.

At the age of 20, he was involved in a gang and began committing armed robberies. Over the years, he was arrested multiple times and served several prison sentences. Despite this, he continued to be involved in criminal activity and became known for his elaborate and daring prison escapes.

The crime history begans from

In the mid of 1990s,the faïd and another gangster Jean-Claude Bisel had led a criminal gang that was responsible for armed robbery,jewel theft, and extortion with business persons in the Paris area.

In 1997, seven of eight accused were tried for said charges (the eighth having fled to Algeria. Faïd spent three years on the run in Switzerland and the Palestinian Territories before being arrested in 1998.

In his autobiography, he claimed to have disguised himself as an Orthodox Jew and learned Hebrew while in Israel, and that he was taught firearms skills by an Israeli soldier. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison, but was released on parole after serving ten years.

In mid of 1990s,

In 2009, he wrote a book, The name of Braqueur — Des cités au grand banditisme, (Robber — From the Projects to Organized Crime) about growing up in a life of crime in Paris’ banlieues, and claimed to have given up a life of crime. However, he was the suspected mastermind of an armed robbery that claimed the life of a policewoman in 2010, and subsequently was caught after he broke parole conditions in 2011, which returned him to prison for eight years.


The 2013 escape of Redoine Faid from a prison in Lille,France was one of the most elaborate and daring prison escapes in French history. Faid had reportedly been planning his escape for several months before it took place. He had been studying the prison’s layout and security measures,and had also obtained information about the prison’s routines and staff. On the morning of April 13, 2013, two accomplices armed with automatic weapons entered the prison and freed Faid from his cell. They used explosives to blast through several doors and walls to reach the visiting room, where Faid was waiting. Once they were outside the prison, the three men hijacked a car at gunpoint and drove to a nearby airport, where they stole a helicopter. The helicopter was used to fly Faid and his accomplices to a nearby industrial park, where they switched to a waiting car and fled the scene.The escape sparked a massive manhunt, with police officers from across France searching for Faid and his accomplices. Six weeks later, on May 29, 2013, Faid was recaptured in a hotel room in the Paris suburbs.

The 2013 escape of Redoine Faid was a major embarrassment for the French government and raised questions about the security of the country’s prisons.Despite the extensive resources devoted to finding him, Faid was able to escape from one of France’s maximum-security prisons and remain at large for several weeks.

The prison esacape 2018,the day when worlds knowns his name.

The deadliest escape ever in history of prison,

On April 13, 2018,

At around 11:30 am on 1 July 2018, Faïd was broken out of a prison in Réau with the help of three armed accomplices and a helicopter. The helicopter had been hijacked from a nearby airfield by criminals posing as flight school students. At gunpoint, the flying instructor was forced to participate in the escape. The helicopter was later found not far from Charles de Gaulle Airport, where it was believed he and the three men escaped by car,and the flight instructor released uninjured. French police focused primarily on a domestic manhunt, while also considering a potential lead that Faïd had fled abroad, with police cautioning that “beyond his charisma and aura, beyond the folklore, [Faïd] is a dangerous individual.”

Three weeks following his escape, Faïd narrowly avoided recapture after being spotted by police near Paris. On 24 July 2018, police identified Faïd as one of two people inside a car observing a service station. As they moved in, the suspects fled towards Sarcelles and managed to get away. The car was later found abandoned in a car park with plastic explosives inside.

Prior to being apprehended, Faïd used a face-covering Islamic veil, (burqa) to move around in public spaces. Faïd was apprehended again in Creil on 3 October 2018,along with his brother and two other men. Weapons were seized during the police operation.

