Agam Chaudhary On Reinventing Customer Experience with AR in E-commerce

Two99 ecommerce
5 min readJun 10, 2024


Businesses often look for new ways to engage customers in the competitive e-commerce sector. Augmented Reality (AR) stands out as a crucial innovation, enhancing how customers shop online. This article explores Mr. Agam Chaudhary’s insights into how AR is transforming the shopping experience and redefining interaction and personalization.

How Is AR Redefining E-commerce?

  • Enhancing Customer Interaction with Augmented Reality

Consider the convenience of trying on a watch without even leaving the house, or seeing how a new sofa looks in a living room before buying it. AR makes these scenarios possible by merging digital elements with the real world. This technology enables customers to examine products closely, providing an interactive experience that once seemed possible only in futuristic tales.

  • Customizing Shopping Experiences with Augmented Reality

Personalization remains a key focus in e-commerce. AR generates 200% more engagement compared to non-AR experiences. It offers support that is both visual and auditory, making online shopping more accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. This inclusivity ensures that e-commerce platforms do not overlook any customer.

  • Using Data to Enhance Shopping Experiences

In the digital era, data is invaluable. E-commerce platforms that use customer data can create exceptionally tailored shopping experiences. AR uses this data to suggest products that align with individual preferences and thereby, it sets a new standard in personalized marketing.

  • Reducing Returns and Enhancing Customer Satisfaction

Returns pose a significant issue for online retailers. AR helps mitigate this by providing customers with a better understanding of products before they commit to a purchase. This clarity leads to more confident buying decisions and, consequently, fewer returns.

AR vs. VR: Complementary or Competing Technologies?

E-commerce leaders occasionally make the mistake of viewing AR and VR as competitors, instead of recognizing how they can improve the customer experience when combined. Therefore, it will be important to understand the advantages of each to implement them successfully in the e-commerce sector.

Augmented Reality:

AR enhances the real world by adding digital elements, like images, videos, or 3D models, using devices such as smartphones or AR glasses. For businesses, AR offers several benefits:

  • Visualization: It helps in areas like healthcare by showing veins for blood drawing or aiding in parts assembly in manufacturing.
  • Instruction: AR provides real-time, step-by-step guidance, which is valuable for training and education.
  • Interaction: It creates interactive experiences for customers, like virtual try-ons in retail or engaging marketing campaigns.

Virtual Reality:

VR creates a fully immersive digital environment, simulating real-world settings or inventing new ones. Users typically use VR through headsets. VR’s business applications include:

  • Training: VR simulates high-risk scenarios for training, such as emergency drills or complex surgeries, without real-world risks.
  • Design: It allows designers and engineers to prototype and test new products in a virtual space before production.
  • Marketing: VR offers immersive experiences that showcase products or services compellingly, increasing customer engagement.

Complementary or Competing?

AR and VR both alter our perception of reality but serve different purposes. They can complement each other in business. In fact, businesses can use both technologies to create unique customer experiences, improve training, and innovate in product development. The choice depends on the specific goals and strategies.

Is AR the Future of E-Commerce?

Yes, absolutely. AR is changing the way customers shop online by making interactions more engaging and satisfying. Studies show that AR helps increase sales and lowers the number of product returns. Sephora, a top beauty company, has added AR technology to their app through a feature called Virtual Artist. This feature lets users try on makeup virtually by using their smartphone’s camera. Since introducing this feature, Sephora has seen a 200% boost in how much people interact with the Virtual Artist section and a 30% increase in lipstick sales. This shows that adding interactive and personalized elements to online shopping can be very successful. Therefore, it’s quite evident that e-commerce will be witnessing the rise of AR usage in the years to come.

Challenges of AR Integration in E-Commerce

Mr. Agam Chaudhary, the CEO of Two99 highlights some of the top challenges that ecommerce businesses face when it comes to integrating AR.

  • Technical Issues: Adding AR technology to e-commerce sites often runs into technical problems. These can be issues with device compatibility, where not all customer devices might support AR. Internet speed limitations are another problem which can disrupt AR content delivery. Also, there might be a need for special hardware, which can cost a lot for businesses.
  • System Integration Difficulties: Integrating AR needs to work smoothly with current e-commerce systems. This might require complex updates to the backend, making sure AR applications coordinate well with product databases and customer management systems.
  • Need for AR Skills: To make AR work well, businesses should know how to develop AR. They need to understand how to make AR content that looks real and fits well with what the e-commerce brand sells.
  • Privacy and Security Concerns: Since AR often gathers user data to customize experiences, keeping this data safe is critical. Businesses must follow data protection laws and have strong cybersecurity measures in place.

How Agam Chaudhary’s Two99 Can Help Integrate AR into Your E-commerce?

Keeping the challenges in mind, Mr. Agam Chaudhary has come up with innovative solutions that he delivers through his brand Two99. Here’s how he is helping out ecommerce brands not just in India but outside the country as well.

  1. Bespoke Solutions: Two99 provides custom solutions that achieve fast results, improve your ROI, and enhance your online presence.
  2. Cybersecurity: Two99 plays a key role in protecting both business and customer data. This is essential when adding AR to e-commerce because it involves managing sensitive customer information.
  3. Marketing Algorithm: Two99 owns a unique marketing algorithm called Beetle that improves brand experiences and communities. This can aid in adding AR by creating engaging and tailored shopping experiences for customers.
  4. Vast Experience: With clients across seven countries, Two99 has extensive experience in the ecommerce sector. This experience proves very useful when dealing with the challenges of AR addition.

If you’re looking to integrate this new technology into your e-commerce business, look no further than Two99. Your challenges are our responsibility and we offer a comprehensive range of services to boost sales, maximize ROI, result-oriented marketing, and more. Partner with us to get the best results.



Two99 ecommerce

Two99 trademarked marketing algorithm and tool, enhancing brand experiences and communities. 100+ parameters for discovery, engagement, and conversions.