Lantang Memorial Trip 2020

Kshitiz Pandit
2 min readSep 30, 2019


Nepal experienced a deadly earthquake of 7.8 magnitudes on 25th April 2015. A normal weekend turned out to be one of the darkest days in the history of the country. The massive earthquake took lives of more than 9000 people and even more were left injured and homeless. There were several aftershocks that caused further damage. The historical and cultural city of Kathmandu was turned into ruins. Many of the heritages were completely if not partially damaged. The houses were collapsed burying people and domesticated animals. The damage that was made by the earthquake was not only physical but it affected mentally as well. People especially the children and the elders got much traumatized even months after the earthquake.

The effects of the earthquake were felt throughout the country. There were massive avalanches in the mountains. One of the areas which were severely affected by the earthquake was the Langtang Region. Langtang a beautiful trekking destination under the foothills of Langtang and Ganesh Himal faced indescribable horror. The earthquake caused enormous landslide and avalanche which covered the entire village taking the lives of the locals as well as many foreigners. The once beautiful valley was transformed into rubbles and ruins of the houses and guest houses. Even today more than 250 people are reported missing.

2016 — Religious Ceremony at Langtang

In order to commemorate the loss of the lives in the Langtang region, Expedition Himalaya organized a special memorial trip in 2016 exactly one year past the earthquake where the relatives of the ones who lost the family member came to pay their respect.

Expedition Himalaya is all set to organize a Memorial trip to the Langtang Valley in the year 2020 to commemorate five years of the massive earthquake.

