Daily Bible Reading Day 9

Tomas Paneson
Jan 10, 2023


Job makes his final plea that he’s been faithful. His friends have nothing left to say…

BUT THEN THIS KID PIPES UP and thinks he’s got it ALL FIGURED OUT and knows all about how God works and why Job AND his friends are wrong because he may be young BUT he’s smarter than ALL of them and HE ALONE has figured out how God is working in this situation because he’s so frickin’ smart…

Don’t ya just love this story? I mean Job doesn’t sound like anyone we know in our personal lives with friends who have all this advice about how God is working in our lives without actually listening to us talk about our own lives… (sarcasm heavily applied)

#ChronologicalBiblePlan #DailyBibleReading #ReadTheBibleInAYear



Tomas Paneson

I’m just an American citizen. A blue-collar family man with a mortgage, a spouse with a career, car payment, kids in college. I’m also disabled, managing pain.