Panjea Audience Adoption Strategies

6 min readSep 13, 2023


Panjea is still in development — and we are working hard on resolving many of the issues. One of the most important will be audience adoption. Already, Panjea has received a huge amount of support from the Aleph Zero community and many of you have expressed an interest in becoming some of the first Beta test users.

One of our supporters, and an instrumental dude within the community, TreLarat (also known as ZerOne) approached us and asked us a bunch of questions. Not only because he wants to know the answers; but so our first believers can spread the Panjea word. What more could we do than jump on the request and respond…

Panjea Audience Adoption Strategies

Can you provide more details on how Panjea plans to attract and retain audiences without relying on traditional advertising models?

Advertising models are attention economies. Many critics have used the phrase ‘when the platform is free, then you are the product’ when talking about social media. This means that the real customer is the advertiser and sites like Facebook and Google are selling them your interest and engagement.

Because Panjea features an inbuilt economy where every single action costs the native token, PANJ — we believe we can create a self-sustaining economy. Creators have to use PANJ to subscribe, to post and to curate content — based on the idea that if an action is worth doing to add value to the platform, then they should invest PANJ into that action, and then they can make returns in PANJ.

All PANJ collected by utility functions (on a daily basis) is burned. New PANJ are emitted from a reward pool to pay creators based on the impact their actions have generated on the platform. This means that we can create a different culture on Panjea because we are prioritising the needs of the creator over the advertiser.

When creators are given a choice of coming to a platform that is all about their work and giving their work value — or going to platforms where they are ripped off, audiences are sad and fatigued (and that’s just the start of the problems) we believe enough of them will come to our platform.

The content those creators makes will then become one of the most important assets of Panjea, drawing in audiences. Get the creators on board, generating something different, cool, and wild — then the viewers and the audiences will come.

What distinguishes Panjea’s content discovery algorithms from those of other social media platforms and how do they benefit both creators and audiences?

Remember in the last section we mentioned that creators can curate content on Panjea — this means that our content discovery experience can be based around the relevancy between article and posts rather than the feed just prioritising what it thinks will keep you locked into the platform.

Audiences can then be served up content based around interests, expanding their knowledge of different topics, or giving them the full picture on news events — the content experience is much richer and geared around empowering our users as opposed to mindlessly feeding them content. Creators can see how they fit into a community and can add to messages and ideas — bringing forth inspiration and shared themes — meaning that audiences get a different type of experience — one that’s built around their benefit rather than simply selling them something.

Can you share some examples of the kind of content and community building initiatives that Panjea is prioritising to create a unique social media experience?

Ultimately, we are hopeful that this will be down to the community. We want to lead from the front, generating our own content and videos about how we believe that Panjea can create positive change in the world. And this will be about trying to generate discussions, interaction and engagement that brings people together — rather than pushing them apart on political lines.

We will create manifestos, guidelines, and community content in the first instance that brings people into the discussion and allows them to be part of our future — shaping the culture and atmosphere with their ideas and learnings from experiences with other social media.

There is a plan for onboarding early creators — and we cannot reveal this yet. However, we are currently working with a number of key members of our community to start our first initiative, which will be the Panjea Pioneers. It only came up last week and we have so much to do — we will be reaching out in the next few weeks to many of you to find out if you want to be involved.

In what ways do you anticipate Panjea impacting the existing social media landscape when compared to platforms like Twitter and TikTok?

People will get back into content. If we get what we’re doing right, then it will be much like the original internet. People will do stuff for the love and for the fun of doing it — there won’t be such an influencer culture on Panjea. People won’t need to do endless silly dances to Dojo Cat or whatever else is entertaining the mainstream zeitgeist.

People will come to us for connection, for knowledge of what’s really going on in the world, to cut away from the mainstream channels and find out balance to the corporate media narratives. In many ways all internet has become advertising — all content is used to point to other content or sales channels or endorsement.

If Panjea gets it right then it will be an internet of freedom, of content created out of the love or the interest. Smaller creators will be able to flourish doing the things they love doing — without having to appeal to the mainstream tropes. Obviously, as we have said — Panjea wants to be the new frontier of creation, so we do not want to try to predict how the option of an alternative platform creates growth and change; we simply want to encourage it (and generate a community that gets behind it) when it happens.

How does Panjea plan to support and incentive content creators to continue producing high quality content on the platform?

Most content creators now become burned out in around 24 months. Algorithms mean that they constantly have to post to stay relevant or lose traction. Additionally, many struggle to monetise their content without sponsored posts or advertising — and if they create controversial or questioning content they can get banned.

We believe that the rewards system on Panjea will be the key factor that brings people in — together with the community and the sense that the site is owned by everyone. Panjea is community led and the decisions made by the users will shape the way it behaves long into the future.

We took the time to send this article to TreLarat for his approval. He read it and distributed around his community. After reviewing — we decided to put out there for the community to give you all a better insight into our plans for the future…

If you share this vision of the internet and this message is resonating with you — then perhaps Panjea might be the right place for you to call home. Find out more at our website




#PANJEA is a #blockchain based social media network. Imagine being paid for simply being yourself -