What is Panjea?

6 min readMay 8, 2023


This is the first of five articles. Interesting — because Panj in Sanskrit means five and the original supercontinent of Panjea split into 5 continents. This is something of a coincidence. We wanted to build a little hype over a week and answer some of the questions that are coming back to us.

We’ve been asked to put together some information on the nuts and bolts that hold Panjea together. Yes, everyone’s given us so much feedback about how our vision of changing media and the internet has landed with them — but how is it actually going to work? People have been asking for comparisons with other types of platform; like Discord, TikTok, Instagram and the other popular online places — however we’ve tried to create something a little different.

In this first article we explore the basics behind Panjea — how the network is structured, how you access the platform, content types and an overview of the structure. We’ll answer a few of the common questions about the mechanics behind it and hopefully make the project more real for you.

What is Panjea?


So come on then — you say.
Answer the question….

Panjea is a content platform.

A digital destination where you can find creations.


Without the need for algorithms telling you what to watch.
Centralised control telling you what to say.
Or agendas at play telling you what to think.

Think like the internet used to be.
Like social media could be.
And like the future of information might be.

If we get it right.

Enough of That…

If you’ve read any of our other documentation, you’ve probably already encountered our drive to do media and social connection differently. So, we wanted to go through some of the basics.

Yes, we’ve got a vision for how Panjea is going to evolve. As a decentralised community project however — you as the first users of the platform are going to have more than a say in how it grows.

Now we’ve got that out of the way let’s start looking at the basics.

Everyone Supports the Network…

To access Panjea everyone must pay a basic subscription cost. Users pay a monthly charge that is fixed in (USD) to get onto the network. Additionally, there is a Proof-Of-Life (PoL) verification system that all users must successfully pass to be accepted onto the network.

We believe the PoL system may become a vital function of Panjea, assuring users that they are not dealing with information proliferated by bot farms or disingenuous sources — or even in the future assuring users that contacts are human and verified.

Stop subscribing? Then access to Panjea is removed. And whilst Panjea can be linked from other sites, there will still be a need for users to be subscribed to see what’s going on behind the closed door.

Token Back Control…

Like all good blockchain based projects, users interact with the Panjea ecosystem and platform through a token called PANJ. It is a capped token with a maximum supply of 100 million coins. More about the Tokenomics in a later article — it was important we mentioned this upfront.

The Seed of A Good Idea…

At the heart of Panjea sits the idea of a seed. A seed is any piece of content. In the first version of the platform (at launch) we will be able to host short video, music (audio) tracks, images text and chat. We might have a few more, but we’re keeping them close to our chest. So, you can post most of the same types of content on other networks.

Unlike other platforms users must make a financial commitment to Panjea in order to post a piece of content. Posting is a commitment. We want users to think about the value of any content to the community. There is a chance to make money from your content. So, you have to believe it has inherent worth and back it with your own supply of PANJ tokens.

Views Equal Value…

Everyone else requires some kind of additional metric to judge the value of content. Retweets. Likes. Thumbs Up. Not us, however. There is only one thing that matters on Panjea. And that’s how many times your content is viewed. The more it’s viewed — the higher the percentage of the daily reward pool you receive.

Order Out of Chaos…

All content on Panjea must be linked. When you post on Panjea you must choose to link your creative to another, pre-existing seed on the network. You’re given one link when you decide to post on the network and then you have the option to add content to other places.

Think of Panjea like a giant nodal network — with delocalised connections. How did we come up with this model? We thought about the original internet and how it was conceived as thousands upon thousands of websites — with hyperlinks between them. We took this model and the notion of linking, bringing it all into our platform where information could be structured and linked in line with the ideas of our users.

Control and Moderation…

We don’t want to give away too much technical detail here, but one of the biggest worries about a decentralised media platform is the issues of NSFW and forbidden content. No network is free from this kind of behaviour — and we expect Panjea to suffer from the same number of bad actors as any other network.

Panjea will have a number of different ways that we can deal with this problem. Firstly, there will be a consensus function amongst users that allows you to mark and disqualify different types of content. And repeat offenders will be reported to the authorities if content breaches the ethical values of the platform.

Alternatively, users can create their own browsers for Panjea. From those that use different kinds of interfaces through to others that display content that has been approved by the Panjea community. As with everything on Panjea, the way it works is ultimately down to you and the rest of the users.

Panjea Needs You

Panjea is still in its early stages of development. We’re currently holding interviews for our first tranche of creators — people who are edgy, innovative and want to do something different.

We want those who are inspired by the vision, ready for the difference and hungry for an opportunity to open the web up again to the thinkers, dreamers and doers. We’re setting up an off-site community who are ready for the first day of live action… Contact us through our social channels or emails on the website.

If you share this vision of the internet and this message is resonating with you — then perhaps Panjea might be the right place for you to call home. Find out more at our website https://panjea.io/




#PANJEA is a #blockchain based social media network. Imagine being paid for simply being yourself - https://panjea.io/