Project Sherpalo : Seller Performance

Major overhaul in the history of Snapdeal Seller Platform with the goals of increasing NPS by 20% and reducing seller contacts by 30% via usability improvements in the product.

4 min readApr 12, 2017


Product Design Methodology

Following a methodology is one of my core principles in research and it steers my team in the right direction.

Empathizing with Sellers

Two complete months were dedicated to find out the needs, motivations, goals, expectations, frustration and pain points of the sellers.

1. Conducted Field Research — Contextual Inquiry to understand the behavior of sellers closely.

2. Usability Testing — of all verticals such as Orders, Returns, Catalog, Payments, etc by inviting sellers to our Usability Lab.

3. Customer Interviews — to keep updating the set of seller requirements.

Critical UX Issues

Please refer to this link: sheet (problem identification)

Snapshots of the critical UX issues identified in user reseach

Seller Expectations

Please refer to this link: ppt (Sales Metrics)

Snapshots of the ppt consisting of Sales Metrics

User Persona

Based on the field research personas are developed to keep everyone aligned with our sellers and their goals.

Persona of Sellers on Snapdeal

Defining the Problem

Although we begin with hypothesis, after validation and broad user research, the problem statement is redefined. It answer about — Who? What? Why?


Competitive Analysis & Benchmarking

None of them actually provided the sellers with tools of detailed analysis for their performance.

Information Architecture

Before proceeding to the part of wireframes, brainstorming sessions are held with the team regularly to decide on

. Major Attributes, features and their priority,

. Creating Flat Navigation and Site map

. User Task Flows


The old school way of creating wireframes is still loved — Paper wireframes. Reason: Efficiency

