Oracle Database

Pankaj Kamble
6 min readMay 4, 2023


A database is a collection of data that is organized and stored in a way that allows it to be easily accessed, managed, and updated. A database can be thought of as an electronic filing system, where information is stored in tables and organized based on the relationships between the data.

There are many different types of databases, including relational databases, NoSQL databases, graph databases, and document databases, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

There are several types of databases, each designed to handle different types of data and use cases. Here are some of the most common types of databases:

1. Relational databases: These are the most common type of database and use a table-based model to store data. The data is organized into tables, with each table containing a set of rows and columns. Relational databases use SQL (Structured Query Language) to manage and manipulate data, and they are typically used for applications that require complex data relationships and transactions.

Examples include Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

2. NoSQL databases: These databases use a non-relational data model and are designed to handle unstructured or semi-structured data. They are often used for big data applications and real-time data processing, where performance and scalability are critical.

Examples include MongoDB, Cassandra, Couchbase, Amazon DynamoDB, and Apache HBase.

3. Object-oriented databases: These databases are based on object-oriented programming principles and store data as objects, rather than in tables. They are often used in applications that require complex data relationships and are optimized for complex queries.

Examples include db4o, ObjectDB, and Versant.

4. Graph databases: These databases use graph structures to store and organize data. They are designed to handle complex relationships between data elements and are often used for applications that require graph analysis, such as social networks or recommendation engines.

Examples include Neo4j, OrientDB, and ArangoDB.

5. Document databases: These databases store data in a document-oriented format, such as JSON or XML. They are often used in web applications and content management systems, where documents need to be stored and retrieved quickly.

Examples include MongoDB, Couchbase, and Amazon DocumentDB.

6. Time-series databases: These databases are designed to store and manage time-stamped data, such as sensor data or log data. They are optimized for fast write performance and efficient querying of time-series data.

Examples include InfluxDB, TimescaleDB, and OpenTSDB

What is Oracle Database?

Oracle Database is a popular relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Oracle Corporation. It is one of the most widely used databases in the world and is known for its reliability, scalability, and security features.

Oracle Database uses a traditional table-based relational data model, which allows data to be organized into tables with rows and columns, and supports SQL (Structured Query Language) for querying and manipulating data. It provides a variety of features for data storage, management, and security, including support for transactions, backups and recovery, data replication, and user authentication and authorization.

Oracle Database is used in a wide range of applications, from small businesses to large enterprises, and is particularly well-suited for mission-critical applications that require high performance and reliability. It is available in a variety of editions, ranging from the free Express Edition to the Enterprise Edition with advanced features and scalability options.

In addition to the traditional on-premise deployment model, Oracle also offers cloud-based database services through Oracle Cloud, which provides a variety of deployment options, including fully managed services, self-managed services, and hybrid cloud solutions.

Why should anyone choose Oracle Database?

Reduce operational costs

Machine learning-driven automation can help you save money on monitoring, protecting, and maintaining your Oracle databases. The database is provisioned, scaled, tuned, protected, patched, and repaired without the need for human involvement.

Use a single database for all data types

Oracle’s converged database frees application developers from complicated transformations and duplicate data.

Guard against data breaches

Oracle database security solutions for encryption, key management, data masking, privileged user access restrictions, activity monitoring, and auditing let you assess, detect, and avoid data security risks. Reduce the risk of a data breach while also making compliance easier and faster.

Deploy where you need to

Oracle Database may be installed in your data center, public cloud, or private cloud, as needed. This gives you the option of deploying in your data center when residency and latency are crucial, or in the cloud when you need scalability and the most comprehensive set of capabilities.

Oracle Database Editions

Oracle Databases are available in three different editions:

1) The Oracle Database Enterprise Variant (EE) is the most widely used and most costly edition.

The following are its characteristics:

• There are no restrictions on the number of CPUs, RAM, or database capacity, and premium

features that are not accessible in other editions are included.

2) Enterprise Variant (EE) Standard Edition (SE) is a restricted edition of the Enterprise Edition

with the following features:

• Limited to four or less CPUs

• No memory or database capacity restrictions

• Offers a wide range of functionality, but not as many as EE

3) Oracle Database Expression Edition (XE) is a free-to-use version of the Oracle Database that

runs on Windows and GNU/Linux. Oracle Database XE 18c has the following features:

• There are only two CPUs available.

• Has a maximum of 2GB of RAM and 12GB of user data.

• Features are restricted.

Oracle DB installation

Using Oracle Database involves several steps, including installation, configuration, creating a database, and working with the data. Here is a high-level overview of the process:

1. Installation: First, you will need to download and install the Oracle Database software on your computer or server. The installation process will vary depending on the operating system and edition of Oracle you are using, but typically involves running an installer and configuring basic settings.

2. Configuration: After installation, you will need to configure Oracle Database by setting up users, permissions, and network settings. This typically involves running a configuration script or using a graphical user interface.

3. Creating a database: Once Oracle Database is installed and configured, you can create a new database by running a series of scripts or using a graphical user interface. This will involve specifying the database name, configuring data files and tablespaces, and setting up users and permissions.

4. Working with data: With the database created, you can start working with the data by connecting to the database and using SQL to query and manipulate the data. Oracle provides several tools for working with data, including SQL Developer, a graphical user interface for running SQL queries and managing database objects.

Some specific tasks you can perform with Oracle Database include creating tables, inserting data, querying data using SQL, managing transactions, creating backups, and configuring security settings.


Oracle Database is a powerful and versatile platform for managing data, but mastering it requires careful planning, optimization, and monitoring. By following the best practices and tips outlined in this blog post, you can ensure that your Oracle Database is optimized for performance, secured against threats, and resilient in the face of disasters.


  1. Oracle database: Wikipedia
  2. A Comprehensive Study of Database Management Systems: Oracle vs. MySQL” by H.A. Alsamhi and A.I. Almalki, published in the Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology.
  3. Performance Analysis of Oracle 12c Database on Cloud Infrastructure” by A. Shriram, S. Kumar, and S. Prabhakar, published in the International Journal of Computer Applications.
  4. Optimization of Database Queries using Oracle In-Memory Database” by S. Thomas, S. Saravanan, and G. Manikandan, published in the International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics.



Pankaj Kamble

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