The Possible Strategies for Cost-Effective Large Language Model Optimization

Pankaj Pandey
4 min readApr 1, 2023



In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have taken the world by storm. These models are based on deep learning and are capable of generating human-like responses to natural language inputs. They have been used in a variety of applications such as chatbots, question answering systems and even creative writing.

Large Language Models (LLMs) are advanced machine learning algorithms that have gained immense popularity in recent years. These models can process and understand human language at a level never before seen. They have become the go-to solution for many industries that require natural language processing, such as chatbots, translation services and voice assistants.

However, with great power comes great cost. LLMs use a consumption pricing model that charges based on the amount of text characters (tokens) exchanged between the application and the AI. Each AI has a fixed “token window” for the context length the model can retain for the current task. These unique billing parameters have resulted in a flurry of new cost-optimization techniques for developers working with LLMs.

The first step in optimizing the cost of LLMs is to understand the pricing models offered by various providers. OpenAI, Anthropic and Cohere are some of the major players in this space, with each provider offering different pricing models for their text APIs.

For example, OpenAI has APIs for text and images with different pricing. The text APIs charge per token, with OpenAI defining a token as roughly “four characters”.
OpenAI’s pricing is based on different models with varying context windows, such as GPT-3, GPT-3.5 (chatGPT), GPT-4 and Embeddings. Anthropic, on the other hand, prices per million tokens, while Cohere uses “Generation Units”.

Given the pricing dimensions, the goal of cost optimization is to use the minimum number of tokens to complete the task at high quality. To achieve this goal, we may use a range of cost-optimization techniques, such as prompt engineering, caching with vector stores, chains for long documents, summarization for efficient chat history and fine-tuning.

Pricing for OpenAI, Anthropic and Cohere

OpenAI was the first to market with LLM APIs, but now there are competitors like Anthropic and Cohere offering similar services. All these platforms charge for their services on a per-token basis.
For example:

OpenAI charges $0.02 for 1,000 tokens with its text-davinci-003 model, while Anthropic charges $0.0086 for 1,000 tokens with its Claude-v1 model.

Cohere offers a slightly cheaper option at $0.0025 for 1,000 tokens with its command-xlarge model.

However, it’s essential to consider that these pricing models are subject to change and can differ based on the model’s context window and series.

LLM Cost-Optimization Techniques

To improve cost efficiency, we could use various techniques to optimize LLMs. The following techniques are ordered from easiest to most challenging to implement:

  1. Prompt Engineering:
    Prompt engineering is an emerging field that seeks to discover and produce the best results from LLMs by modifying the prompt.
    The prompt is the starting point for instructing the model on what to do. Prompt engineering is an emerging field that modifies the prompt to discover and produce the best results from LLMs. we can use prompt engineering to control the number of tokens returned.
    For example, a Q&A bot prompt can be modified to provide only the necessary information to answer a question.
  2. Caching with Vector Stores:
    Caching is an optimization technique that stores frequently used data in memory to reduce processing time. we can cache embeddings and other vector representations in a vector store to reduce the number of tokens needed to be processed by the model.
    Caching with vector stores involves saving frequently used prompts and their corresponding outputs in a vector store. This technique enables quick and easy access to previously computed outputs and significantly reduces the number of tokens needed to compute a new output.
  3. Chains for Long Documents:
    LLMs have a fixed context window, which can be a challenge for processing long documents. we can split long documents into smaller chunks and feed them into the model sequentially to maintain context and reduce token usage.
    Chains for long documents involve breaking down large documents into smaller chains and processing each chain separately. This technique reduces the number of tokens required to process large documents and enables the model to retain context across multiple chains.
  4. Summarization for Efficient Chat History:
    Chat history can grow very long, very quickly, which can impact cost efficiency. we can use summarization techniques to summarize chat history and reduce the number of tokens required to retain context.
    Summarization for efficient chat history involves summarizing long chat histories and storing only the most important parts. This technique reduces the number of tokens required to process chat histories and enables the model to retain relevant context.
  5. Fine-Tuning:
    Fine-tuning is the process of adjusting an LLM’s weights to perform better on a specific task. By fine-tuning the model, we can reduce the number of tokens required to complete a task while maintaining high-quality results.
    Fine-tuning involves training the model on a specific task to improve its performance on that task. This technique enables the model to be more accurate and efficient for the task at hand, reducing the number of tokens required to complete the task.


LLMs are powerful tools for generating human-like responses to natural language inputs, but their cost can be a significant barrier for developers. By using the cost-optimization techniques discussed above, developers can improve the cost efficiency of their LLM applications. It’s important to note that these techniques require careful implementation and testing to ensure that they do not impact the quality of the LLM’s responses. As LLM technology continues to advance, we can expect to see new cost-optimization techniques emerge to further reduce the cost of using these powerful tools.



Pankaj Pandey

Expert in software technologies with proficiency in multiple languages, experienced in Generative AI, NLP, Bigdata, and application development.