A comprehensive guide for React Native healthcare applications

Pankaj Das
12 min readAug 17, 2023

Due to their great demand and effectiveness, healthcare applications and the React Native framework are the two latest trends in business. We’ll discuss the advantages of React Native in healthcare applications in the article below today. Discover React Native’s importance to the healthcare industry by reading further. Also you can read this blog from our official website A comprehensive guide for React Native healthcare applications.

Well-known Frameworks among Developers in 2023

By 2023, Node.js had overtaken React.js as the most widely used web framework among programmers worldwide. Node.js and React.js are used by 42.7 percent and 40.6 percent of respondents, respectively, to the survey.

Web Framework

A software framework that helps with the overall development of online applications is referred to as a web framework or a web application framework. Web frameworks are used to automate mundane duties usually done in web development. In other words, it simplifies the process of web development, making it easy to create a website.

React Native Advantages for Healthcare Apps

Facebook introduced React Native, an open-source JavaScript framework. It may be a cross-platform development tool to create web and mobile apps for various platforms.

Well! All cross-platform app development tools, including React Native, can be utilized to create healthcare apps. For healthcare apps, you should, however, prefer React Native for several reasons, some of which are listed below.

  • Reusability and code maintenance make development easier with React Native.
  • Compared to developing native apps, using React Native for cross-platform development can help you cut development expenses by up to 50%.
  • One line of code can be used to create a mobile healthcare application.
  • It is the go-to option for creating logical user interfaces because it takes advantage of elements from React, a JavaScript package.

Benefits of Using React Native in the Development of Healthcare Apps

Let us list the main arguments for selecting React Native while developing healthcare applications:

1. Quick Development

React Native offers a streamlined development approach that empowers programmers to quickly and effectively develop applications. Your healthcare application’s cross-platform features, which use a single codebase for various platforms and include an array of substantial React Native elements, can help you accelerate the development process.

As a result, it drastically cuts down on development time. Additionally, the Hot Reloading feature of React Native enables your engineers to see changes in real time, which helps speed up the process. As a result, business owners benefit from shorter development cycles and efficient solutions.

2. Current Update

Real-time updates and information are essential in the healthcare sector to guarantee that patients receive the most up-to-date and correct medical guidance. You may update users and send important information to them using React Native’s live updates functionality without forcing them to download new versions from the app store specifically.

This capacity is advantageous in urgent situations where sharing information quickly can affect patient outcomes. React Native-based healthcare application development can also enhance application services.

3. Integration with Existing Apps

Applications built with React Native allow seamless integration with existing applications. Healthcare providers can expand their services and engage with larger communities because of their ability to integrate with native modules.

In addition, without having to redesign the application completely, React Native streamlines the application process, increases healthcare services, boosts patient engagement, and improves the user interface.

4. Cost-Efficiency

React Native reduces development time and costs by enabling a single code base for both iOS and Android. Additionally, it offers pre-built libraries and components, effectively reducing the development cost.

Furthermore, due to its ability to share code across various platforms, React Native is more affordable than alternative native mobile app development frameworks. Thus, using React Native to create healthcare applications can cut costs by 25–30%.

5. Flexible Strategy

Healthcare apps demand a flexible strategy since they frequently require improvements and updates to satisfy user needs and evolve industry norms. The adaptability of React Native enables programmers to make changes quickly and effectively, which improves the user experience.

Additionally, it guarantees that the software remains relevant in the fast-paced healthcare industry. Also, React Native enjoys strong community support and keeps up with advancements in tools, resources, and technology.

6. Enhances Scalability

A key component of mobile health applications is Scalability. In light of the new React Native architecture (React Native v0.70), which is component-based and modular, it will be simpler for developers to scale the application as the user base grows.

Its compatibility with third-party libraries and plugins makes it possible to integrate new features quickly. Additionally, it ensures that your mobile healthcare application stays current with new developments and changes in technology following regulations.

Healthcare React Native App Features

Let’s talk about some of the dynamic features of React Native healthcare apps that improve your app’s performance and user experience now that you understand why you should choose React Native for mobile healthcare apps.

1. Keeping Data Safe

Data is essential in medical applications because it contains all patient records. The importance of protecting sensitive data increased, and the React Native healthcare app was aware of this responsibility. You can secure and save a lot of data using it.

Here are a few React Native features that provide great alternatives for managing and storing data.

  • React Native provides AsyncStorage, a straightforward, asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system. It can store app data, including authentication tokens, user preferences, and settings.
  • Developers may design and maintain incredibly intelligent React Native local databases owing to React Native’s support for SQLite (a relational database management system). It also handles structured data, which makes it a superior option for managing the complex databases used in healthcare apps.
  • A third-party database library called React Native Realm can be utilized for quicker and more secure data storage. Healthcare apps benefit from stability and security in data storage because of their capacity to manage complicated data, real-time data synchronization, and ability to handle larger datasets.

2. Medical Management and Tracking

Healthcare apps may track and manage medical conditions, treatments, and medication with the help of React Native. Data entry is made simple by React Native’s mobile-responsive and interactive UI.

You can track and manage health data more efficiently using React Native’s real-time updates and UI. The communication between the patient and their healthcare practitioner is improved.

  • Healthcare apps need easy access to device sensors, and React Native perfectly satisfies this need. Following patients’ movements and activities is simpler by using device sensors like the GPS, accelerometer, and more.
  • React Native healthcare apps may easily incorporate camera capabilities. It facilitates capturing and uploading medical pictures like lab results or X-rays.
  • React Native is known for its simple API integration. It enables faultless real-time data retrieval and display from wearables and health monitoring gadgets.
  • When utilized for healthcare apps, React Native provides access to a speech recognition function. With this function, patients and healthcare workers can manage and input data without using their hands.

3. Integration of Electronic Health Records (EHR)

You may integrate Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems into your mobile healthcare application with the help of React Native. EHR integration in healthcare mobile apps allows licensed medical staff to access and examine thorough patient data.

Professionals can more easily keep track of patients’ medical histories, lab results, diagnoses, medication lists, particular health conditions, and treatment plans with seamless access to data. EHR system integration with React Native is seamless, which improves customer care coordination and efficient healthcare services.

  • For seamless interaction with native EHR libraries and APIs, you can use Native Module interaction to integrate native modules created in Swift (for iOS) and Java/Kotlin (for Android). It ensures that data interactions with the EHR systems are safe and secure.
  • Regarding supporting OAuth and other secure authentication techniques, React Native is the best. It is essential for starting the process of obtaining permission to access patient data from EHR systems.
  • Implementing Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance requirements is more straightforward because of React Native’s flexible architecture. It enables the maintenance and management of patient data security and privacy in compliance with industry standards for the healthcare sector.
  • React Native facilitates data transfers between the healthcare app and the EHR system by supporting interoperability with several health data standards, including HL7 (Health Level Seven) and FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources).

4. Book Appointments

The ability to quickly schedule appointments is one of the key benefits of using a healthcare application. Many patients prefer not to stand in a queue, and adopting React Native in the healthcare industry makes it simple to schedule an appointment.

It is designed and organized so that no appointments clash with one another. It will alert users if any scheduled appointments are already registered, accelerating the booking process. Now, on to the essential characteristics:

  • React Navigation is a package from React Native used to develop smooth and seamless navigation flows so that users can explore and book appointments without interruption.
  • The React Native framework also includes a built-in date and time picker. It simplifies selecting the preferred time and date for an appointment when it is used to book it.
  • React Native healthcare app development can use the Redux state management library. It makes creating a centralized store for appointment data possible, guaranteeing accessibility and consistency across the application.

5. UI/UX customization

The user experience is one of the most essential aspects when selecting a mobile healthcare application. You can create engaging, user-friendly interfaces with React Native’s configurable UI components. You can improve the user experience by the demands of the application.

Create compelling healthcare mobile applications using React Native by customizing your app’s design, color scheme, and interactive elements. Moreover, it gives your healthcare app a customized and user-centric approach.

  • The component-based design used by React Native allows for a breakdown of UI elements into reusable components. It makes it simple to style and customize specific UI elements.
  • Utilize React Native’s support for Flexbox Layout to build layouts that may be altered to fit multiple screen sizes and orientations. You can develop user interfaces that are strong, clear, responsive, and adaptable.
  • If you hire React app developers then they will make smooth and interactive animated transitions and effects with React Native’s built-in support for animated components. To customize the UI/UX, you can select versatile React Native animation libraries and UI components.
  • With React Native’s Hot Reloading functionality, you can check the UI changes as you write in real-time, increasing customization’s effectiveness and granularity.

Also Read: Flutter Vs. React Native: Which is Best For your Project in 2023?

Use of React Native in Healthcare Applications: Challenges

There are some restrictions if you choose React Native, but you can unlock the potential of cross-platform app development. Since nothing is flawless, there are going to be some difficulties. The following are a few challenges you might face when developing a healthcare application with React Native:

1. Integration of Native Modules

When React Native enables cross-platform development, some functionalities require native capabilities that React Native does not directly offer in the healthcare application. This represents another limiting case.

Developers may integrate native modules with custom iOS and Android code. However, this problematic procedure necessitates native language proficiency from developers and takes time. Further, the native module integration becomes less user-centric and more complex.

2. Regulatory Compliance

Employing strong security measures to safeguard sensitive data from potential data breaches and illegal access offers obstacles. Because of the responsibilities of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it is essential to stick to regulatory compliance in healthcare apps.

It can be technically challenging to incorporate encryption procedures into React Native healthcare apps since it is difficult to maintain encryption keys throughout data transmission. Also, the React Native application must carefully track and log user actions to establish healthcare regulatory auditing.

3. Limited Integration with Third Parties

The first challenge in healthcare application development with React Native is the absence of third-party plugins and modules compared to native frameworks. Although the React Native ecosystem is expanding, few components are available for certain functionality or APIs.

As a result, you might have to develop unique solutions or consider various approaches to integrating third-party services. Additionally, it extends the development process, requires more work, and limits the potential for further development.

4. Optimization of Performance

React Native depends on JavaScript for performance because native and JavaScript threads cannot communicate. Performance bottlenecks ultimately turn out to be the cause, which leads to complex tasks and unappealing user interfaces.

Additionally, due to such challenges, your development team must collaborate closely for code optimization. To reduce the initial load time, you should also use code splitting. You may ensure that your application loads necessary components seamlessly by properly implementing code memorization.

Also Read: Cloud Computing in Healthcare Industry

Future Trends in React Native Health Apps

Let’s move on to the positive future developments of React Native in healthcare apps now that we have a better understanding of its essential characteristics and advantages:

1. Utilization of AI and ML

Healthcare is one of numerous industries where artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are booming. It aids in the diagnosis of illnesses and the prediction of health problems. React Native and AI/ML technologies deliver a personalized and intelligent user experience.

With AI chatbots, patient or user inquiries can be resolved faster. AI-powered applications also allow you to analyze the data to enhance patient care and make informed decisions.

2. Various Cloud Services

Multi-cloud-based services are the newest trend in React Native healthcare applications. You may offer seamless integration with numerous cloud platforms using React Native. Additionally, storing sensitive data in data storage and abiding by privacy laws help secure it.

Integration of cloud platforms helps streamline operations in healthcare applications, whether you are doing medical research or keeping health records. As a result, it effectively preserves data security and makes your app scalable.

3. Remote Monitoring of Patients

Remote patient monitoring is another promising trend on the list. Your healthcare app may track patient vital signs, offer real-time consultations, and instantly exchange records with them using React Native.

Due to its cross-platform skill sets, patients can access telemedicine services from any device, including a smartphone or tablet. As a result, it guarantees universal and easy access to healthcare. Finally, it aids in effectively monitoring and tracking patient records.

4. IoT Integration

IoT is developing and becoming more well-known for its innovative technologies. React Native-based healthcare applications have revolutionized the delivery of medical services. IoT gadgets like wearable watches and innovative medical equipment collect patient data in real time while helping to monitor health conditions.

React Native’s ability to interact with IoT devices makes it easier to get up-to-date patient data, which supports remote monitoring, individualized treatment regimens, and preventive care. This integration will improve patient involvement and diagnostics, and more proactive healthcare solutions will result.


Both patients and medical professionals depend on mobile healthcare applications; therefore, they must be simple to use and interpret. You must now understand why React Native is the best framework for developing mobile healthcare applications after reading this blog. It makes sense that React Native Healthcare Apps, a new framework, will revolutionize your application with its dynamic features and capability for cross-platform development.

We are aware that you require company because the journey is arduous. We at Bosc Tech Labs are always willing to assist. You can create a cutting-edge yet secure healthcare mobility app with the help of our well-known React Native development business. Our team of experts will also make your healthcare application according to the specifications of your project.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is React Native an excellent option for developing apps?

React Native is a good option for mobile app development due to its compatibility, code reuse, live-to-reload feature, and accessibility to third-party plugins.

2. Why use React Native for healthcare apps?

Using React Native for healthcare apps provides the advantage of developing cross-platform applications with a single codebase, reducing development time and cost. Its ability to deliver a native-like user experience on both iOS and Android, coupled with its growing community support, makes React Native an efficient and practical choice for healthcare app development.

3. What is the cost of developing a React Native healthcare app?

The cost of building a React Native healthcare app can vary depending on several factors, including the app’s complexity, the features it needs, the development team’s location, and the developers’ experience. However, you can generally expect to pay anywhere from $25,000 to $300,000 for a basic React Native healthcare app.



Pankaj Das

I am a passionate digital marketer covers topics related to marketing and Flutter news.