Step-By-Step Flutter Custom Mobile App Development Process

Bosc Tech Labs
5 min readMay 15, 2024


Step-By-Step Flutter Custom Mobile App Development Process

In the modern day, the popularity of Flutter has surged since its establishment. Flutter is also one of the preferred cross-platform mobile app development frameworks used for custom Mobile App Development Processes.

Flutter’s versatile framework helps to easily create user-friendly and feature-rich applications for operating systems. Flutter is widely used for mobile app custom development to deliver visual uniformity and performance on diverse platforms. One of the amazing features of Flutter is its hot reload capability.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is the ultimate open-source mobile application development framework which has been crafted by Google. These also empower the flutter developers to craft high-quality and visually appealing mobile apps.

Flutter is also used to develop iOS and Android apps, as well as web apps with a unified codebase. Flutter is also known for its user-friendly interface and impressive performance. The framework also effortlessly enables the creation of ultimate mobile applications.

Flutter Custom Mobile App Development Process:

Normally, Flutter is a completely compatible framework for varied platforms such as macOS, Windows, Linux, and many others. Hiring the best custom mobile app development services is also helpful to get seamless user experience. Before developing the mobile apps, it is essential to understand Flutter’s app development architecture.

1. Understand the Flutter’s App Development Architecture:

Flutter’s architecture involves the design and structure of code, components, algorithms, data flows, and many more. Understanding the architecture is essential for creating layered systems on libraries. These allow you to simply build cross-platform applications.

Flutter’s modular structure also extensively allows one to be flexible in choosing different components of the app. In the modern day, there are many tools available for designing the Custom Mobile App Development. You can simply find lots of visual inspiration on different platforms such as Pinterest and many other websites.

2. Start with Vision for Your Future App:

Start with the vision for your app developments. Categorize the requirements for each app so that it helps to visualize the future app. Whether you have skills in mobile app development, then you can access Flutter for more functionalities. It is also quite a convenient option for creating the wireframes with careful consideration to develop the full-blown design.

3. Setting up Android Studio:

For Flutter app Development, it is essential to choose from a variety of options. Android Studio is highly preferred by many developers for its comprehensive and integrated development features.

Android Studio is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which helps to easily provide more features for the mobile app’s custom development. For example, the Android Studio offers massive features such as

  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Debugging Capabilities
  • Code Completion

Normally, the Flutter plugins would not work in the beta, early access program (EAP), or canary. Android Studio is also helpful for assisting the transition to stable IDE versions. These would extensively allow plugin compatibility. You need to restart your IDE to activate the newly installed plugins using Android Studio, IntelliJ, or any other platform.

4. Install Libraries and Plugins:

Flutter libraries involve massive toolkits, and these are available with pre-built parts to create the codes faster. Flutter libraries are also equipped with useful features such as buttons, animations, and many more. It is quite a convenient option to use these Libraries and Plugins to design the user interfaces. It is also suitable for managing the data and handling interactions.

Plugins in Flutter help the application do more. Plugins also extensively connect with Flutter code for the device’s native features. These also tend to add extra functionality for the app, and there is no requirement for writing their own codes.

5. Install Flutter and Dart Plugins:

To develop the Custom Mobile App based on Flutter, it is essential to install the framework and dart plugin.

Follow the below steps to Install Flutter and Dart Plugins:

  • Open Android Studio
  • Access plugin preferences
  • Go to Preferences and click Plugins on macOS
  • Go to File and click Settings > Plugins on Windows and Linux
  • Access the plugin preferences page
  • Select “Configure”
  • Plugins for version or later
  • Browse through Flutter plugin repositories
  • Select the preferred version to install
  • Click ‘Yes’ when prompted to install the Dart plugin
  • Choose to restart as prompted after installation

6. Initiating Flutter Project:

Normally, the primary layer in the Flutter is the framework layer. These would provide a comprehensive set of tools, APIs, and libraries. It will be suitable for building the User interface accordingly. These also extensively handle user interactions.

The flutter layer includes widgets with an animation framework, rendering engine and gesture recognition system. These widgets are accepted as building blocks of Flutter. The rendering engine is helpful for providing smooth performance on all platforms, even without any hassle.

To start the Flutter project, you can follow the below steps:

  • Open Android Studio
  • Click “Start a New Flutter Project”
  • Choose “Flutter Application”
  • Click “Flutter Application”
  • Provide Flutter SDK path
  • Fill in various project details
  • Assign a unique package name for publishing your app
  • Specify a domain name for the package
  • Click “Finish” to confirm and proceed

7. Add Build-Flutter Doctor:

Running the “Flutter Doctor” command helps to easily ensure the app’s environment is placed precisely. You can access the “Flutter Doctor” command by clicking the Alt+F12 in Android Studio.

Ensure that the components have a seamless function with an integrated development environment (IDE). Whether you are using the Android Emulator, you can create a virtual device. Widgets in Flutter provide significant time savings in app development.

8. Testing Your App:

To test the app on the iOS Simulator, you need to select the device from the dropdown menu. Ensure that the Flutter apps do not run on iOS 13.3.1, as Apple imposed this restriction.

Launch the app using the home screen when the profile has been trusted. It is also quite a convenient option to add the widgets categorized as stateless or stateful changes. Creating a well-organized widget with a body, menu, app bar, and many others is helpful.


In conclusion, Flutter is a primary choice for developers for mobile application custom development. These provide a flexible architecture giving maximum ability for creating the apps. By reading this tutorial, you can now develop custom mobile apps in a simplified way.



Bosc Tech Labs

BOSC Tech Labs is a leading US-owned software development company with 10+ years of experience.