14 min readJul 12, 2020



I relate to a very ordinary family from a very small town in JHARKHAND called GUA. My childhood was extremely happy and very joyful. I enjoyed a lot, I used to play cricket and several local sports in the village, my dad used to work In a govt steel plant and my mom managed the house, I have 2 younger sisters and I love them a lot. Things were going well with my family and suddenly this tragic moment comes in our life.

My father lost his vision forever, and he was blind from that time I was about 10 years old and I didn’t understand the gravity of the matter as I wasn’t sure what will happen neither was I aware how I could help the situation. My father lost his job due to his blindness, and with increasing medical expenses and low income, my education was also hampered but somehow I managed to pass my 10th. With time our financial crisis got worse. Due to poor financial condition, I couldn’t attain my higher studies. I somehow managed to complete my engineering and was desperately looking for a job. Since I was the oldest, there were a lot of responsibilities on my shoulder, without much guidance as a teenager I was confused and didn’t really know how I could fulfil my dreams, dreams that I had for myself and my family.

I began my career to earn and support my family by putting aside my big dream. Every situation in our life teaches us something, and we have to think about what we can do much more from this to achieve our dreams. I awakened my senses of thinking for longtime consequences of choosing the job. Something interesting which I would like to share with you, I worked in a petrol pump, garage during my college days. my family wasn’t aware of this until they read this blog. Things happen for you to prepare you strong in life. I began working in a new city in a different atmosphere since I belonged to a very small place and beginning of my career in a place like PUNE, I was not at all Confident and always worried, but I had strong assistance from my home and one of my mate.Then within a year, I was chosen by the company for specialized training in GERMANY for three months. I was amazed when I heard this announcement and that was THE BIGGEST MOMENT of my life and for my family. As I belong to a family where no one ever took the flight, and no one ever thought about that, and in my very young age I was going on a foreign trip to a EUROPEAN nation.

During my training of 3 months, I enjoyed a lot and toured most of the European countries. It was the most wonderful time of my life and I collected lifetime memories for me, After returning from Germany. I was truly delighted to see my family, they were happy to see me as well. I purchased lots of chocolates and gifts for all of them.

Hence, some couple of the year passed off, I was working in the same company, all the things moving well at that period. But my bond with my girlfriend became unstable due to absence of faith and misunderstanding from both the sides, So we agreed to separate, and after a long relationship of 5 years it finally ended. And Same time I decided to resign from my job and go back home. Because of my relationship and recession in the market, my promotion and income didn’t improve that year. I was completely disturbed mentally and going through depression also, and I started to search for a new job, but things didn’t work out well. I didn’t get any job in my area and which made me more frustrated.

Therefore, I again prepared my mindset to get out of that situation, after 6 months by doing nothing my financial problem and family problems increased, and I searched again for a new job. I tried different places and pushed very hard and I got my job again in Pune. I was delighted at that moment because my work started, so I could take care of my family again. After a year I moved to GOA for better career growth.

Because I have some ambitions in my life to accomplish but due to some normal job and working in my comfort zone I was never able to fulfil what I wanted. So I started some part time business to make have some financial freedom in my life. So I can help myself and family for good life which I always wanted to give. Because I am new to this marketing business many times i failed and many times I made good income also. But things not went well as I planned and expected.

After giving several years in this networking business I found myself stuck . My health also went down due to thyroid problem and my relationship also going well in this time and I was seriously looking for personal growth opportunities and mentor for myself for my better future what I was lacking behind. I tried many things during these days by reading self-help books to videos on YouTube to motivate myself to back on track but nothing work for me. In the meanwhile, I was very active in social media and one day I saw an ad running on Facebook for coaching, and I am surprised which I was actually looking for those I found On Facebook I thank God and universe for listening to my thoughts, I realized that if you ask something very emotionally to the universe and dedicated to it, you will find that. Then just I click the ad and I found they have some kind of seminar and it was free in Goa itself, so I registered with the link. The main attraction of the ad was “CHANGE YOUR LIFE NOW" this word attracted me for this seminar which I was looking for.

I fixed the schedule for the seminar. I remembered the date also it’s 17th August 2019 I went there, and I was the 1st person who reached earlier in the venue. I waited for quite a long time and one person came to me asked me about myself, I given the information about me. Then he introduced about himself, and he told he was a life coach, and he was going to host the seminar and one thing he told me before the start, it’s going to change your life if you going to put 100 % in the seminar to understand the things. I wanted something very fresh and new opportunity in life which able to change my future and me too. Then the seminar started and one young lady started the meeting, and she was so energetic and beautiful but most importantly her confidence and communication attracted me more.

Once, she started her story I also co-related the things which actually happened to me also. While the event in progress triggered me so hard in my mind that I started to think about that when I saw a man in a video his name is MR. ARFEEN KHAN he is Bollywood no.1 coach his thoughts and statements are so powerful, I also thought to become like him he was doing the coaching from the last 25yr, and he transforms the lives of more than 60 thousands people all over the world with his philosophy and coaching experience. In the video, he told 'YOU' waste your 90% time into unwanted things like social media and those days I am pretty much into social media only, and same time I decided to uninstall the Facebook app from my mobile and I did that actually after the event. 2nd thing he impacted me more his statement is like what you did in the last 5yr how much you improved in your life.

I realize my growth in that last 5yr is not so good which I wanted to be, and his 2nd statement he said if you going with same habits and mindset for next 5yr what will going to change in your life. These statements again strikes me hard in my mind, and it was real-time to change myself 1st than the rest of the things going to change.

This seminar was so impactful which change my mind to think for future success because of my previous my whole journey was painful for me. I don’t want to continue in the same mindset. This seminar is all about to become “LIFE COACH” let me explain to you about the life coach if, it’s a new word for you a life coach helps people to find out their inner potential. And also to find a purpose for life. A life coach helps people who are struggling and stuck in some area of life and after several attempts not achieve and looking for a way to get that. Then life coach takes into action they push them to achieve the goals and track them in every action and improvement.

A life coach is a person who always looks good things in the world and people, you can say real SUPERMAN to help people. After so many years of my struggle, I find the purpose of my life which I was always looking for. The journey of mine in every situation. FAMILY, FINANCE, RELATIONSHIP, BUSINESS, JOB, HEALTH I was gone through all the challenges in my life and came out from each time. Times Teaches you a lot just you have to realize yourself what good and positive thoughts or beliefs you are feeding in your mind. During the seminar, they told these were the 5-step process for 90days which going to change you first, and you going feel that transformation within you first, then those change of yours going to help the world to make a better place for human beings and these were attracted me more. While I was changed my old mindset it was also going to change the world, and who have similar kind of situation which they were going through now. I made the decision at the same time that I am going to start the course. Now they offer me the price of the course and I has to book my seat in same time, so they were able to give additional bonuses to me. The price was too high for me in those moments but in my mind already ready to start. After so many requests they told me to give at least 20%, 1st to book the seat and those much also I don’t have with me. I am in a rush to arrange the money I took my phone and try to call my near dear to get fee money, at the time around 10 pm how I am able to arrange that money. I requested them to give time till for tomorrow, but they need the amount same time to confirm my booking and I understood. I searched on my wallet and I found only Rs.2000 available, and those also for my monthly expense, I was on a dilemma and they were pushing me to gave money now for the offer valid on that day only.

I remove the Rs.2000 from my wallet and given to her to book the seat for me and also told her I am going to give remaining part of 20% money within 2 days and rest of fee in instalments. Initially, she did not agree with but after regular requesting and discussions finally, she was ready to take the amount. I was really felt happy those moment I have invested the money for myself and my personal transformation growth.

Now the biggest challenge for me to arrange the rest of the amount. On previous losses in MLM I almost no money in my hand, but somewhere in my mind and heart its keep telling me like, you can arrange no issue, and these give more strength than I can do it and can arrange it. I focused on the solution and within one day I arranged 20% of the fee amount and from that day. My journey started for my transformation and my new career as a life coach. I started my 5 process for 90days and these 90 days changed me completely these changed my way of looking to the world and situations. I found my potential within me with more confidence person found within me. Rest of the fee amount I paid in instalments, and she is very supportive. I found my vision and purpose for life what I am going to do in the future.

On my so long journey, I finally found what I born for, the struggle days and overcome from that situations teaches your destiny is to serve the world and help people who were going through the same situation which I went through. Maybe the Journey which I went through is to teach me I have the bigger purpose in life and these things happen because you need to experience things to make a world a better place. During this journey, I got many breakthroughs and AHA moments for me I get to know what type of person I am, what are the things drives me or my values of life. I love myself more ever before, and I was able to make the decisions correctly in which I strongly struggle earlier. I knew outcomes of my life now very much clear to me and become a more confident person which I was really lacking behind. Now I created my own ritual to improve 1% daily in each area than in a year I am going to improve myself 37% growth in health, business, financial, relationship, career and growth-wise. My intention is more clear and focused. As a human being, you have so many desires and dreams when you are a kid in those ages, you are very curious to know about the things and you get it anyhow.

You don’t have any fear or doubts about those moments. But when you grow up those dreams vanished and begin to carry fear, doubt, negative beliefs and these things holding you back to keep you safe for not to take a risk you begin your treadmill life. Not moving anywhere same work daily no risk and no success. From this transformational journey, I become more strong mentally, physically and learning things, I like to serve throughout the world. I want to reach or serve everyone to find their purpose of life and, I know it was a challenge for me too but for this purpose only I am alive. Many majorities of people are carrying the same type of average believe and their life also like the same. They might be working hard but not able to achieve because their mindset is so average. They always want to live in a comfort zone don’t want to take any risk in life. So whoever you are just think for a second why you here in this beautiful planet to serve negativity, hate, anger, doubt which holding you for an average life, or do you want to take a risk to change something for yourself for family and to the society. If you really want to make a difference in the world and want to create legacy than stop complaining, mourning and start to spread love, care, gratitude, kindness, trust, positivity to the world to make a beautiful and better place to live.

I am doing my part of work and just imagine if a thousand, lakhs and billions of people’s understand why they were suffering in the world, that day it will change the entire planet to live a with a better human being. One of the biggest block for your failure in any area is your group of circle with whom you hang around with. The circle of people are so important in our life which make you or break you. Like previously I hang around with the people who don’t have a desire of purpose always blaming and complaining to others and never take the responsibility or ownership if they did anything wrong so my mindset also influences with that. I have the desire to do something and I tried for business but due to my circle of who is not driven for any goals, never able to achieve. So it’s very important for us what you want and for that what type of people you need to be with you. When I started my coaching journey we have one mastermind group where we all share our dreams and desires and with the help of group lots of good things came out to grow.

The Mastermind groups are similar kind or same goals of people who keep pushing each other and keep good valuable things to grow any area of life. If you are also struggling similar kind of situation where you want to achieve but some toxic people affecting you more than just rib them from your list and form a new masterminds group for your growth. Who going to inspire you, push you and they support you in your desire and actions what you are going to take. Its work like same as you have the group of a circle like fitness freaks people this group always going to motivate you and push you more to have good physics and same time if you have a group who do nothing in life and only complaining others for every reason you also become the same person. Your future define with whom you associated with. Now I do believe in personal growth what actually I work on myself daily basis. We rarely work on our self from body to mind to soul and, this is actually we born for but our daily life requirement we give very less importance in these areas. And this the reason most people failed to achieve if you do anything In life whether you do a job, business, married couples, lovers or anything each work of our gives us to grow our personal growth than you will be always happy and you are going to get easily your outcomes.

Now I am Certified coach of Arfeen khan and it was realy Amazing journey going on I have many clients also I am helping them for thire transformation and I am going to share one of my client testimonials also whome I transformed her life by Using Same process of Arfeen khan which changed my my 360° .



Hi my name is Sanobar Khwaja. I live in Goa and work as a Customer Success Manager for an IT startup firm.
Last year I faced a tragedy in my life which completely shook me to the core and had drained my energy completely . My dear father was hospitalized and the only person around to take care was me. It was really tough time for me. By Allah’s grace his surgery was a success and he is now on a speedy recovery mode. I am grateful for everyone who helped me during this phase.
I went through a lot of d pressure which stay scared all the time. I went in to thinking mode and started day dream and over thinking. The effects was showing at my work. I started to miss my targets, miss important meeting, basically I started sinking.
One day I was just going through the instagram and i came across Arfeen Khan’s ad and I registered to know more. Sunny was assigned to me. We met and I was very impressed with his dedication to help me fix my thought process. He calmly spoke and tried to listen with no judgements at all. He explained me the system and how it has benefitted many. I decided to take the step for my sake coz I wanted to get back to the person I am and wanted to stop being miserable. The system is really helpful. I saw drastic changes in my behaviours. Like a doctor Sunny was able to help me find what is wrong in my thought process and immediately make a fix. I now in control of my emotions. I repeat positive affirmations. My moods swings have reduced by far also my migraine issue is gone.
Sunny is really warm and calm person. He makes it really comfortable to share thoughts and guides appropriately.
Thank you very much for all the support. I recommend everyone to take this program and learn from Sunny.

And these testimonials inspiring me to reach many people to changing thire life . I have long way to go I am learning new new things about coaching and implementing in my life too. After certified as a Coach I am also an Author for my book called ‘AWAKEN LIFE’ . I am on my Purpose what about You .


Certified Incredible lifecoach



