Using Book Illustration In Modern Times

christopher pankey
2 min readSep 24, 2018


Book illustration is a practice that dates back to the ancient times. It is a practice of fine art that is used to form drawings, movies, and pictures that illustrate content in a particular book. This comes as an aid in learning where the reader gets a clear illustration of the statement or content written by having a look at the picture. This makes it a common approach in teaching especially young children and those with a disability whose understanding of written content is low.

In ancient times, the process of book illustrations was undertaken by renown artists. These were selected from a team of individuals who easily understood the content and translate the same into a drawing. Modern technology, however, provides with easier approaches to book illustration. There are computer-aided programs that are used in the development of illustrations and in such way making it easier and faster.

Unlike in the earlier times when illustrations involved paintings, modern times allows for the development of films based on the book’s content. Both drawing and films developed may be through either live acts or animations depending on the target audience and the preference of the book’s author. The author, however, may decide to pass on the rights for the development of illustrations to other parties when not in a position to do so. Educational institutions may also acquire rights to form an illustration of particular books with intent to offer assistance to their students. When this is done for educational purposes, a majority of authors often accept to give rights and permission for a development of illustration. Here’s a good read about book illustration, check it out!

Learning institutions have in modern time’s embraced use of book illustrations in learning. This is more so in areas where the children being taught have some learning disabilities. Developing book illustrations is done in collaboration with the ministry of education, and other related bodies such as curriculum development authorities. This is to ensure that the content produced in the illustration is fit for the children in learning. To gather more awesome ideas, click this link here to get started.

Unlike in the ancient times when book illustration was perverse of the artists. Today it is a field that produces career book illustrators. These are professional actors, play developers and others who continually make a follow up of the prevailing literature and books in use by the students and using them develop illustrations. Computer-based designers also create content that includes animated book illustrations mostly for use by young children in school. For this reason, this forms a career with a future for development and one that plays a vital role in the education sector. Kindly visit this website for more useful reference.

