12 Eye-opening Quotes that will change your life from today…

3 min readMay 11, 2024

If you have ever witnessed individuals working tirelessly and considered them to be mad, or felt sorry for them, then you have missed the true essence of life. The true purpose of life is to dedicate your time to creating or contributing to something that ultimately contributes to a better world. And that world is shaped by those individuals. Like the Bruce Hamilton says

It is one of the strange ironies of this strange life that those who work the hardest, who subject themselves to the strictest discipline, who give up certain pleasurable things in order to achieve a goal, are the happiest. When you see 20 or 30 people line up for a distance race in some meet, don’t pity them, don’t feel sorry for them. Better envy them instead.

- Bruce hamilton

It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.

— Jim Rohn

If you are determined to work hard, you must choose a path and focus on that direction instead of complaining about your circumstances. With enough determination, you will surely find a way.

Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.

— Will Rogers

If you find a way, don’t just sit there out of laziness. Even a correct choice will worsen over time. Therefore, work hard to achieve it.

If things stopped being easy, you are on the right path.

— Anonymous

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.

— Henry David Thoreau

The correct path is never easy for anyone. You have to be focused and persistent to see changes in your life. Just like farmers, no matter how much you work on crops, you will only get fruit during their season. Immerse yourself in this world and go with the flow

If you want to have more, you have to become more. For things to change, you have to change. For things to get better, you have to get better. For things to improve, you have to improve. If you grow, everything grows for you.


Work towards your dreams. If your dreams are big, then your effort must match. You cannot become a millionaire with a minimum wage work ethic.

#Quote Good habits are hard to form but easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to form but hard to live with.

- Aristotle

It may be challenging at first, but as days pass, it becomes a habit. With that work ethic, your life becomes easier, and your goals become more visible.

The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.

- Bruce Lee

And if you have chosen a path, you have to stick with it with laser-like focus because distractions can lead to the destruction of your efforts.

Everything we run away from has power over us, everything we go through, we conquer. — Anonymous

Don’t give up easily. If you do, it will affect your entire life. However, if you are determined enough to conquer, this will act as a motivation for your entire life.

If you don’t improve, you deteriorate.

— Anonymous

Doing something new is not an option, but a compulsion. Whether you are going up or falling down, there is no term like “stability in life”.

Every action has its pleasure and its price.

— Socrates

And if your actions are on the right path, you will reap the rewards through hard work. Conversely, if you are squandering your life for immediate pleasure, you will pay the price later.

Your biggest mistake is you think that you have time.


In our fleeting and uncertain lives, it’s crucial not to squander precious time but to utilize it to the fullest. One effective hack for maximizing time efficiency is to consistently ask yourself, ‘Is this necessary?’ If the answer is yes, then proceed with the work.

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