Getting Started with Data Visualization: A Beginner’s Guide and Personal Recommendations

Paola Meneghetti
5 min readMay 29, 2023


data visualization
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Data visualization is a powerful tool that allows us to transform complex data into meaningful insights and compelling stories. Whether you’re a data analyst, business professional, or simply someone interested in exploring data, learning the art of data visualization can greatly enhance your ability to communicate information effectively.

I understand the challenges of starting out in data visualization, as I have been in the same position myself. The initial steps can be overwhelming, with numerous resources and tools available. However, through my own experience and exploration, I have discovered valuable resources and practical tools that have helped me along the way.

In this guide, I will share with you a curated list of recommended resources that I have personally used and found beneficial. These resources have provided me with valuable insights, tips, and guidance, making my journey in data visualization more accessible and enjoyable.


  1. “Storytelling with Data” by Cole Knaflic: This book teaches you how to effectively communicate with data by combining storytelling techniques with data visualization principles.
  2. “Better Data Visualization” by Jon Schwabish: Focusing on the practical aspects of data visualization, this book offers guidance on designing clear and impactful visualizations for various audiences.
  3. “The Functional Art” and “The Truthful Art” by Alberto Cairo: These books explore the intersection of data visualization, design, and journalism, providing insights into creating informative and visually appealing graphics.
  4. “Visualization Analysis and Design” by Tamara Munzner: This comprehensive guide covers the principles and techniques of visualization design, helping you create visualizations that effectively communicate insights.
  5. “Information Dashboard Design: Displaying Data for At-a-Glance Monitoring” by Stephen Few: This book focuses on designing effective dashboards that provide quick and intuitive access to key information.
  6. “Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction” by Kieran Healy: Providing a step-by-step approach, this book introduces the fundamentals of data visualization and offers practical examples using R.
  7. “The Big Book of Dashboards: Visualizing Your Data Using Real-World Business Scenarios” by Steve Wexler, Jeffrey Shaffer, and Andy Cotgreave: This book showcases real-world examples of dashboards and provides insights into designing impactful and actionable visualizations.
  8. “Avoiding Data Pitfalls” by Ben Jones: This book helps you navigate common pitfalls in data visualization, guiding you on how to present data accurately and avoid misleading interpretations.
  9. “How Charts Lie” by Alberto Cairo: Exploring common misrepresentations and misconceptions in charts and graphs, this book teaches you how to critically evaluate visualizations and avoid deceptive practices.

Online Courses and Platforms:

Engaging with the data visualization community can provide valuable insights and inspiration. Platforms like Tableau Public, Data Visualization Society, and Reddit’s data visualization subreddit (r/dataisbeautiful) offer a space to share your work, learn from others, and receive feedback from experts in the field.

  • Coursera: Offers data visualization courses from top universities and institutions.
  • Udemy: Provides a wide range of data visualization courses taught by industry experts.
  • DataCamp: Offers interactive online courses focused on data visualization using various tools and programming languages.
  • Tableau Public: Explore the Tableau Public gallery for inspiring visualizations and tutorials.
  • PowerBI Community: Engage with the vibrant PowerBI community for tips, resources, and discussions.
  • FlowingData: A popular data visualization blog run by Nathan Yau, sharing insightful tutorials and examples.

Blogs and Websites:

  • Information is Beautiful: A website dedicated to showcasing visually stunning and informative data visualizations.
  • The Data Visualisation Catalogue: An extensive catalog of different visualization types with examples and explanations.
  • Tableau Blog: Tableau’s official blog featuring articles, tutorials, and tips for effective data visualization.
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Data Challenges and Competitions:

  • Kaggle: Participate in data science competitions that often require data visualization skills.
  • Makeover Monday: Engage in a weekly data visualization challenge where you can practice visualizing and redesigning existing visualizations.
  • Tidy Tuesday: Join the data community in exploring and visualizing a new dataset every week.
  • Back to Viz Basics

Community Resources:

  • Data Visualization Society
  • Nightingale, the Journal of the Data Visualization Society

Learning Tools and Approaches:

Choosing the right tools and approaches for data visualization can greatly impact your learning experience. Here are some tips to consider:

  1. Start with Excel: If you’re new to data visualization, Excel can be a great starting point. It allows you to shape data tables, create queries with PowerQuery, and design and refine charts all in one program. Going beyond the default design options in Excel can help you create elegant visualizations.
  2. Visualization Tools: To create embeddable data visualizations, consider using tools like Datawrapper or Flourish. These tools require you to set up and manage your data tables elsewhere, such as in a spreadsheet.
  3. Dashboard Design: If you’re interested in becoming a dashboard designer, explore widely used platforms like PowerBI or Tableau. These low-code platforms can connect to various data sources and provide flexibility in creating interactive dashboards.
  4. Focus on One Tool: Instead of trying to master multiple tools simultaneously, focus on one tool and learn it well. Experimenting with different tools can help you find the one that suits your needs and preferences, but then build a strong foundation in the single tool that suits you the most.
  5. Practice Fundamentals: Regardless of the tool you choose, dedicate time to practice the fundamental principles of data visualization. Focus on understanding data, designing effective visualizations, and conveying insights clearly.
  6. Engage with Learning Communities: Take advantage of the supportive learning communities associated with the tools you’re using. Join forums, participate in discussions, and learn from experienced practitioners. These communities can provide valuable insights, resources, and guidance.

Remember, learning data visualization is a continuous journey filled with excitement and discovery. It requires dedication, patience, and a curious mindset. Embrace each step along the way, relishing the process of uncovering meaningful insights and crafting compelling visualizations that bring your data-driven stories to life.

By making use of these recommended resources and adopting effective learning strategies, you’ll equip yourself with the necessary tools and knowledge to embark on your data visualization adventure. Get ready to create impactful visualizations that captivate audiences and effectively convey the power of your data!

I hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights and resources to kickstart your journey in data visualization. Remember, this is just the beginning, and there is so much more to explore and learn.

If you’re hungry for more knowledge and want to keep reading about data science, data visualization, and data literacy, I invite you to subscribe to my blog. Enjoy the ride and let your creativity soar!



Paola Meneghetti

Data literacy enthusiast. Compulsive reader, here to share experiences and the best takeaways on personal development📚 Focused on improving 1% every day📈