Silicon Valley Looks Beyond the Cutting Edge

Paolo Messina
8 min readJul 14, 2022


How one group of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs found a universe of emerging business opportunities in declassified Pentagon secrets.

Beginning in the early 1960s, reports of alien abductions and UFOs became commonplace. Amid the backdrop of the Space Race, there was always a glimmer of hope that verifiable contact might be made with intelligent extraterrestrials.

In the 1990s, the high-powered Hubble Telescope improved our odds of finding habitable planets and evidence of alien life. Today, we can look 100 times further into the cosmos.

In the halls of Congress and the Pentagon, the once-fringe topic of alien contact is a subject of great interest. In Silicon Valley, bold practical applications of mysterious technologies are quickly turning from fiction to fact.

Silicon Valley SSP Technology Conference — Sept 16–17, 2022

Following a series of Pentagon disclosures related to aliens and UFOs/UAPs, a group of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs is hosting the first Silicon Valley Secret Space Program Technology Conference on September 16 and 17, 2022.

“Now’s a critical time for robust conversations about our future,” says one, “but people are burnt out. I think it’s information overload. Top-secret military encounters with uncommon flying objects and their mysterious origins have been officially disclosed by the Department of Defense. These objects have been redefined from UFO to UAPs that stands for “unidentified aerial phenomena” Fundamentally, people know these are serious topics — most just don’t have the time or mental energy to deal with the implications.”

“That’s why we’re in Silicon Valley,” he adds. “There’s a universe of lucrative tech opportunities sitting in these disclosures, and a chance to better the world through public-private partnership.”

“This is where the doers are. It’s where the impossible gets done by sheer force of will.”

UFOs to UAPs — from the fringe to the mainstream

In 2017, the New York Times released a shocking article on the now famous Nimitz Incident. The US Department of Defense disclosed the existence of its long-theorized Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.

Multiple videos were released alongside, showing several Navy aircraft pilots intercepting a tic-tac shaped vehicle displaying extraordinary flight characteristics. Near instantaneous acceleration to exceptional top speeds, the ability to hover over water without apparent combustion engines, the ability to change direction with no turn radius — together, such properties seemed impossible.

Richard Dolan, a historian of the US government’s quiet involvement with UFOs, suggests the technology isn’t as impossible as one might imagine — it may not even be a secret. Evidence has emerged from firsthand accounts by US Military personnel that an alien reproduction technology program has likely existed since the early 1950s.

According to Dolan, who will give a keynote speech at the SSP Conference, the reason for the military’s secrecy on the subject is straightforward. Private interests throughout the military industrial complex converged with the government’s desire to maintain a credible public narrative.

Surprisingly to many, the topics of electromagnetic propulsion and gravity augmentation technology aren’t new.

Early American anti-gravity research

Thomas Brown began his experimental studies of the relationship between gravity, electromagnetism, and flight back in the 1920s — first at Caltech, then in the Navy and on various secret US Military projects. He filed patents on mass reduction effects and his work was cited frequently at the time.

By the 1950s, the topic of electro-gravitational effects was front page news in many aerospace magazines. There was intense research on and interest in the topic, especially after the now-famous incident involving UFOs hovering over the Capitol and White House.

According to military black-projects historian Michael Schratt, also speaking at the Silicon Valley Secret Space Technology Conference, a number of purportedly man-made UFOs were reported by civilians even as the topic began fading from media attention.

Schratt’s work details incidents in the United States throughout the 1960s and ’70s — firsthand reports of crafts parked with military personnel in the vicinity, many marked with clearly intelligible names written in our alphabet. Despite the appearance of man-made construction, these vehicles were able to depart at 45-degree launch angles without apparent winds or traditional means of propulsion.

Metamaterials and the first secret space technology, TR3B

Documentarian Darcy Weir tells the story of a former Area 51 employee named Edgar Fouché who, in the 1990s, started giving presentations about otherworldly “metamaterials” and related technologies — in particular, gravity-controlled UFOs known as TR3Bs (or black triangles).

Metamaterials have long been viewed as an essential component of UFOs. They represent a class of materials which have been chemically and geometrically engineered to achieve specific physical properties, typically having to do with light, heat, or energy conduction. Several are currently known and in use, despite not having been present in the literature of Fouché’s time.

The US Department of Defense now provides funding for projects related to metamaterials through their Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative. In 2022 alone, DoD approved awards worth $195 million for 28 new research projects at over 60 American academic institutions including Berkeley, Harvard, Princeton, and MIT.

Accounts and videos of black triangle UFOs have been common since at least the 1980s, including well-documented reports from New York, Belgium, Phoenix, and Illinois. The TR3B is noted for its unique appearance — three lights set upon a black, triangular craft and a fourth light apparently floating between them.

According to Weir’s latest work, the TR3B was likely the first Alien Reproduction Vehicle built by the US Military for top-secret space exploration. Mr Schratt and Mr. Dolan think however there have been others before. Some believes actual gravity control was achieved back in 1954 from the US military. Historian Michael Salla has hypothesised that Germany achieved gravity control in he mid thirties but could not perfect the technology before the end of the second world war.

Mr. Weir will present videography and analysis on the subject at the Silicon Valley conference this coming September.

Academia responds, then and now

Alongside civilian accounts of probable man-made UFOs, notable scientists weighed in as well. In the 80s, American physicist and Silicon Valley resident Dr. Frederick Alzofon, a student of J.R. Oppenheimer, Victor Lenzen, and Griffith Evans, published a theory that connected gravity to electromagnetism. Subsequently, in the 90s, he would experimentally demonstrate a correlation between mass reduction and electromagnetic interactions.

Dr. Alzofon sadly wouldn’t live to see his theories gain mainstream acceptance from the physics community. Promising research continues to this day, including that of Illinois State University professor Dr. Lucian Ionescu who has revisited the work to further establish a connection between gravity, particle physics, and electromagnetism.

Dr. Alzofon’s son and collaborator, David Alzofon is collaborating with Dr. Ionescu, who will be speaking at the SSP Conference in Silicon Valley.

Is there really a Secret Space Program in the US?

Absolutely, says Dan Willis — a retired US Navy communications engineer who held top secret security clearance.

In early 2001, Willis participated in The Disclosure Project and testified in Washington, DC as a Top-Secret Military Witness. The Disclosure Project was formed to demand Congressional hearings regarding the US government’s knowledge of intelligent extraterrestrial intelligent life, as well as the secretive projects established over decades of military encounters with advanced civilizations.

During his time in the Navy, he relayed a message to the Pentagon from a destroyer deployed in the Alaska region — a flying saucer had emerged from the water, hovering over the water and shot to the sky at incredible speed.

Since then, Willis has become a scholar of the Secret Space Program. This name became common in 2002 when British hacker Gary McKinnon discovered a list of non-terrestrial officers and ship logs for US Navy spaceships “USSS LeMay” and “USSS Hillenkoetter” inside restricted NASA files.

McKinnon was accused of perpetrating “the biggest military computer hack of all time”, then spent over a decade trying to avoid extradition to the US for his breach of NASA computers.

Information regarding many black projects have leaked throughout the years, but are rarely vigorously pursued by the mainstream media.

Above-top-secret technologies in the Secret Space Program

According to Willis, it’s difficult for someone that hasn’t followed the leaks in detail to imagine the extraordinary technologies described.

“They are some very credible, relied-upon people,” McKinnon told the BBC — “all saying yes, there is UFO technology, there’s anti-gravity, there’s free energy, and it’s extraterrestrial in origin[.] They’ve captured spacecraft and reverse engineered it.”

Dan Willis will give an account of all the leaks and technologies at the forthcoming Silicon Valley Secret Space Program Technology Conference on Sep 16 and 17, 2022.

Here is a brief summary of the technologies:

  • Solid State Over-Unity Energy Production:
  • Technology that extracts more energy from crystals than it inputs.
  • Anti-gravity Propulsion:
  • Technology that creates a gravitational field around a craft, allowing it to move through water, air and space.
  • Metamaterials:
  • Materials that have special thermoelectric properties, are transparent and can guide waves at above the speed of light. They may have the ability to convert heat into electricity with no loss or transport electricity without resistance.
  • Organ Regrowth and Regeneration:
  • Technology capable of organ-specific age regression.
  • Implantable Cognitive-enhancing Neuro-devices:
  • Devices allowing mind-mind and mind-computer communication.
  • Quantum Subspace Communication:
  • Spacecraft ability to communicate at near instantaneous speeds, suspected to be based on quantum physics.
  • Man-made wormholes:
  • In sci-fi, these are also known as stargates — devices capable of instantaneously moving matter from Point A to Point B, where A and B can be lightyears apart.
  • MedBed:
  • An advanced medical station utilizing quantum-level interactions between crystals and lasers to cure disease.
  • Replicators:
  • Technology that can holographically recreate any type of matter, producing things like food and clothes on demand.
  • Quantum artificial intelligence:
  • Technology that can interact with intelligent life forms at a much deeper intellectual level than our AI.
  • Soul-trapping technology:
  • Technology that can extract and contain a living soul for up to 30 days, allowing the body to be repaired or replaced in cases of extreme damage.
  • Super Smart Clothing:
  • Technologies permitting flexible fabrics to adapt to their wearer’s shape, temperature, activity, or intent, including gravity augmentation and injury-related harm reduction.

Business opportunities and near-future applications of classified tech

The applications are endless for the social entrepreneur and the pure capitalist alike. One could start from the most pressing needs. Energy supply for critical infrastructure, medical and industrial goods, cognitive enhancement for scientists and engineers working on R&D projects, and so on.

New technologies are often called unthinkable, then impossible, then impractical, then necessities. Both the computer and the internet were once top-secret military technologies hidden from public view.

Significant media coverage of the Pentagon reports and official recognition of the existence of UFOs/UAPs should be a signal to savvy entrepreneurs and investors.

High-level conversations have been happening, and continue to happen, about publicly revealing details of extraordinary alien technologies. Part of the US Military establishment believes that extreme secrecy is counterproductive to social and national security interests.

As a result, the shape of the future may be decided by keen private sector players who recognize the value of these technologies early. By advocating truth over secrecy on these subjects, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, investors, and established companies may start finding opportunities to bring initial iterations to the mass market.

The release of technologies of this magnitude would produce tectonic shifts over the next few decades. As always, those who believe, capitalize, and succeed earliest face the greatest challenges and receive the greatest rewards.

In Silicon Valley, belief in and skepticism of radical technological advancement both reach their highest. These ground-breaking possibilities warrant vigorous discussion.

How far might these technologies be from marketability?

Where’s the true cutting edge of technology today?

Are the answers to our greatest questions waiting to be invented? Are they secrets? Or are they common knowledge we’ve yet to accept?

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Entrepreneurs, investors, and keen members of the public are invited to join over a dozen of the world’s leading researchers at the Silicon Valley Secret Space Program Technology Conference this September 16–17, 2022 at the Plug and Play Tech Center in Sunnyvale, California.

