I started my Startup in Dakar

Mor Niane
2 min readJan 19, 2018


Sunubus is the result of several unsuccessful attempts to implement a reliable bus localization solution. Indeed, we have always wanted to remedy this huge loss of time that is the bus stop for Senegalese. But despite the technical feasibility of the proposed solutions, they were all the time faced with a reluctance of committed parties due to the costs of setting up and maintaining such solutions.
One day we found that recently, the majority of applications we use contain information produced by other users. It was noticeable that the Internet network provided our population with a huge information-sharing capacity that we realized that we could exploit this potential to solve the problem of buses not only in Dakar, but everywhere. the world where this problem existed. This is how Sunubus was born in a room of the social campus of the ESP and very quickly a team of 4 adventurers was formed with only one goal: to give you the precious time that the bus took you.

Thanks to Oussama Ammar Alice Zagury for the startupfood lessons 🙏🏽

