Mary Papas
5 min readJun 29, 2023

50 Blog Post Ideas for Freelance Writers

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

As a freelance writer, I know that sometimes it can be tough to come up with new and exciting blog ideas. We all hit that writer’s block wall where no matter what we do, we can’t seem to come up with anything new. It has happened to me, more times than I can count and more times than I want to remember. But there is a way to unblock writer’s block. Well, actually, 50 ways. In the following list, I have written 50 blog post ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Not every single one will work for you, but you will definitely find lots that will!

  1. Listicle -Everyone loves a good listicle. Pick a topic within your niche and create a list of the top 10 or 15 things related to that topic.
    2. How-to/ Tutorial — Write a step-by-step guide on how to do something within your area of expertise or interest. Be as specific and clear as possible, imagine you have to explain it to a child.
    3. Review — Write an in-depth review of a product, service or experience.
    4. Personal Reflections — Share your own experiences and what you learned from them. Use your senses to paint vivid images in the reader’s mind.
    5. Recipes — Share some of your favorite recipes that relate to your niche. For example, if you write about books, think what you drink or eat while reading. Is it coffee? Share your favorite coffee recipe. Is it chocolate chip cookies? Share your favorite chocolate chip cookies recipe.
    6. Newsjacking — Find a recent news story and write an article that relates to it within your niche. For example, if there is a recent news story about a freelance writer who got paid in peanuts, think of a time when you were paid in peanuts too and write about that.
    7. Infographics — Create an infographic to illustrate a complicated topic or concept.
    8. Opinion Piece — Share your thoughts on a controversial topic within your niche. Don’t be afraid to be bold and passionate, remember, it is your blog!
    9. Case Studies — Highlight a particular success story or case study.
    10. Behind-the-scenes — Give readers a behind-the-scenes look into your creative process.
    11. Interview — Interview someone within your niche and post the conversation. Remember to be creative with questions and response format.
    12. Resource List — Create a list of tools, books, websites, or anything else that is useful to your target audience.
    13. Beginner’s Guide — Help beginners within your niche by writing a beginners guide-style post.
    14. Inspirational Stories — Share inspirational stories with your readers or even personal experiences.
    15. Myth Debunking — Debunk popular myth regarding a particular topic in your field. The myth vs fact format works like a charm!
    16. Q & A — Host a question & answer session within your niche or a user submitted Q & A.
    17. Infomercials — Similar to reviews, write posts that showcase services or products by their respective companies.
    18. Data Driven Post — Write about trends or statistics within your niche.
    19. Problem to Solution Post — Discuss a common problem for your target audience and offer up solutions to their struggles.
    20. Predictive Posts — Predict future trends within your niche.
    21. Collaborate — Co-write a blog post with another writer or professional within your niche.
    22. Quiz Posts — Quiz your audience on what they know or do not know within your niche.
    23. Change Up A Basic List — Take a basic list and change up the format for fresh results.
    24. Seasonal Posts — Write posts that related to specific seasons or holidays.
    25. Guest Post — Have someone guest post on your blog or even guest post for another blog, exposing new audiences to one another.
    26. ‘Why’ Posts — Explain the purpose behind specific topics within your niche.
    27. Glossary Post — Create a glossary around particular jargon within your niche.
    28. Challenge Posts- Issue 30-day challenges or fun weekly challenges within your niche.
    29. History Of Post — Write about the history of an item or topic within your field.
    30. Process Post — Share your process or a generic process on a topic within your field.
    31. Favorite’s Post — Showcase your favorite things within your topic.
    32. Share Successes — Share case studies or successes within your field.
    33. Pros & Cons Post — Compare and contrast various options within your niche.
    34. Basic Vs Pro Post — For more intermediate/advanced users, differentiate basic versus professional aspects of your field.
    35. In-Depth Research Post — Showcase a particular topic with in-depth research of you topic.
    36. The Ultimate Guide — Create a comprehensive guide on a topic within your field.
    37. Opinion With Surveys — Share opinions with data through user-generated surveys.
    38. ‘Do & Don’t’ Post — Outline what works and what doesn’t work within your niche.
    39. Famous People In Your Field — Showcase famous people (or just well-known) within your niche.
    40. Video Post — Incorporate videos into your posts, either in original content or integrated from external sources.
    41. History Of Post — Write about the history of an item or topic within your field.
    42. Process Post — Share your process or a generic process on a topic within your field.
    43. Favorite’s Post — Showcase your favorite things within your niche.
    44. Share Successes — Share case studies or successes within your field.
    45. Pros & Cons Post — Compare and contrast various options within your niche.
    46. Basic Vs Pro Post — For more intermediate/advanced users, differentiate basic versus professional aspects of your field.
    47. In-Depth Research Post — Showcase a particular topic with in-depth research of you topic.
    48. The Ultimate Guide — Create a comprehensive guide on a topic within your field.
    49. Opinion With Surveys — Share opinions with data through user-generated surveys.
    50. ‘Do & Don’t’ Post — Outline what works and what doesn’t work within your niche.

Let me know what you think in the comments!

Mary Papas

Author, content creator, copywriter and translator. If writing didn't exist, I wouldn't have a voice. My books: