Essay #2 Reflection- Paul Pape

2 min readOct 29, 2023


I believe this meme is ironic because of how some people act and feel towards electric cars even though it isn’t making the biggest difference in the world and that people with electric vehicles think they are being cleaner even though most electricity is still being produced by power plants that aren’t totally clean. Describing my writing experience for essay number two would be that I enjoyed that essay because it is a topic that I could talk a lot about and could give more information and a wider range. My rough draft was a thrown together piece that took me like thirty minutes and only two of my sources were in it and it didn’t even have a conclusion because I only wanted to reach the 800 word mark and submit. My final draft seemed too short and no matter what it could be better but I am not a good writer nor reader. I did like the topic I chose because it makes it quick and easy and I hope that my next essay will be just as good or better and especially easy. Because the next one seems hard to find information about and the topic itself will be hard.

My writing experience with essay number two compared to essay number one was better and I picked a better topic that came to me easily. The first essay was actually hard to find good information about and easy facts for it. This essay has been easy and very informational about how technology in cars has changed throughout the years. The past essay felt thrown together with a bunch of information put all over the place while this one felt better to write and think out. The only thing that I did notice was the way I worded a sentence but I tried to fix it and it didn’t get much better. The second essay was really focused on more of two points, the history, and the future even though I talked about the present time vehicles.

