Academic Paper Due Now or Tomorrow? Magic Tips to Do the Job on Time

5 min readJun 27, 2019


Let’s picture this: it’s been a long day, and you already are quite tired because you spent all evening preparing for a test. Suddenly you get a text from a group-mate with the words: “Have you finished that essay yet? Pretty tough, isn’t it?” Utterly surprised, you wonder: “What is he talking about? I have no essay due tomorrow…” But then you realize that this is not true; a few forgotten lines hastily noted on the back page of your textbook state that you’ve got a written assignment, and it’s due tomorrow morning. Despair overwhelms you, and tens of questions pop up in your head: “I can’t believe I forgot about my paper due tomorrow! What do I do now?” For some reason, one of those silly ‘due tomorrow — do tomorrow’ memes comes to your mind. Then you start panicking: “I need to write a paper due now! How long will it take? It’s already 8 p.m., and I’m so tired, how do I write a paper due now? Is it worth even trying? Is it at all possible?”

Paper due TODAY!

Well, let’s be realistic: unless you own a time-turner, a huge 20-page homework is not something you can complete in one night and hand it in to your teacher the next morning at 9 a.m. But an 800-word paper is something rather manageable if you do things right. Keep reading to find out the tips and tricks that will help you write a paper that’s due tomorrow even if you haven’t started it yet.

Due Tomorrow, Do Tomorrow! How to Write a Paper Due Tomorrow?

Are you still shocked and ask yourself how to get serious about doing your paper? A paper due tomorrow is not a catastrophe! First of all, you should take a deep breath and try to calm down. Realize that you aren’t alone — hundreds of students get pending assignments due to various reasons. While there are the ones who simply forget about a task, others aren’t good at time management. And some young people may even admit being lazy and think: “I’ve got an essay due now, but I don’t want to work. Can someone do it for me?”

When you realize you have a paper due at the end of the day and you haven’t started

Whichever your reason is, the reality is like this — you have a super-pending paper and should try your best to complete it and avoid the failing grade. Follow this checklist to succeed:

· What to do when you have a paper due tomorrow, but got no idea what to write? First of all, you should carefully read the guidelines. Has your teacher given any special requirements? What is the type of your paper, its topic and length? Try to contact your friends if you need to clarify some details.

· The next step is researching. Go to the college library if it’s still open, use its website or look for other credible online resources.

· While reading, make a short plan of your future paper and follow it in order not to get lost in tons of information.

· Choose only respectable resources such as college papers, articles from scholarly journals, introductions of related books. Be fast and efficient while searching — you’re short on time. Take ideas as a basis but don’t plagiarize! Take notes and save links while you read.

I Have an Essay Due Tomorrow and I Haven’t Started It Yet. What Do I Do?

What to do when you have an essay due tomorrow morning? Do you think you can’t do anything about it? If you’re convinced that a 10-page essay due tomorrow is impossible to write, you are wrong! Everything is possible with the right dose of motivation, concentration, and inspiration. Prove yourself that you are capable of completing this next-to-impossible task.

Starting a paper that’s due tomorrow may seem to be the hardest part. You may realize that you can’t focus due to feeling tired or stressed. Besides, many students may find it hard to write an introductory part. Do you think that your task is a classic “writer’s block essay” because you don’t know what to begin with? The good news is that many types of college papers start similarly — with a thesis statement. A thesis poses a question or declares the key point of your essay. It shouldn’t be big 200-word long passage; usually, 1–2 concise sentences along with a few more phrases to broaden your introduction are enough. Once you’ve written this part, you’ll say: “I can do my essay due tomorrow!”

My Research Paper Is Due Tomorrow. How Do I Write It in One Night?

Is it well past midnight, and you’re still awake wondering, “How do I finish my research term paper due tomorrow?” Do you start feeling jealous of your cat who’s sleeping cozily on your pillows?

Research paper due tomorrow. It’s time to panic

Writing papers due next day is not easy, but you’ll nail it with our tips on writing a research paper due tomorrow. Don’t waste your time reading awkward recommendations on Twitter and Reddit, better stick to these proven insights:

· Turn the short plan, which you wrote while researching, into a detailed outline. Read, make changes, and finally transform the outline into the body of your essay.

· Generally, the essay’s main part consists of three paragraphs. Each paragraph should support the thesis, include a topic sentence and examples from scholarly resources.

· Write an introduction after you’re done with the essay’s body; that’s how you get a clear understanding of what to write. Start your intro with a compelling hook sentence.

· Don’t forget to re-read, edit, and cite resources before you print out the paper.

What Do I Do with the Papers Due Now?

Sometimes, the workload in a college becomes extremely heavy. All at once, you get several papers due the end of this week. If you don’t get any sleep and are about to cry: “I have 3 papers to complete in 2 days, that’s too many!” it’s time to ask for help. Luckily, there are dozens of academic writing services online; professional writers who work there can help you cover any topic within the shortest deadlines.

My Paper Is Due Today! Can Someone Write It for Me Real Fast?

Have you remembered about an essay a few hours before you need to turn it in? Are you startled, and the only thing in your head is: “Is that paper really due today?” Then it looks like your only chance to get out of trouble is contact a custom paper writing service and ask an experienced writer for help. Believe us, the peace of mind and your good mark are well worth it!

Paper due tomorrow? I should probably write it




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